Tom Brady’s diet is not stark plan only a football star himself, but his wife Gisele Bündchen and the two common children.

“TB12” is based on strict principles, which are not always easy. What is the impact of the nutrition of the NFL has Stars on the body, wanted to find out an American fitness trainer at self-experiment.

Keltie O’connor held a month-long to the “TB12″diet – with visible consequences. Their conclusion published in a Video on YouTube.

“I’ll check on the Tom Brady diet, and give my recommendations, for whom it is suitable and for who not,” says the fitness instructor under the Video.

On these rules, Tom Brady’s diet is based

O’connor was at the beginning of the self-test lean and fit – and took off with the Tom Brady diet is extremely poor. For this reason, they referred to the method as “insane”.

To the following rules, she has held during her month-long diet, among other things:

The long list of rules that you must comply with “TB12”, but goes even further. To explain everything, what to consider, has Tom Brady even wrote a book about his diet.

Fitness instructor looks back with mixed feelings on the diet

At the start of the self-test, O’Connor some concerns about the diet. As she explains in the Video, doesn’t understand the meaning of many rules.

“When I think of a balanced meal, I have a few fruits or vegetables, complex carbohydrates, protein and a healthy fat before your eyes,” she says. Such a food is in the Tom Brady diet, but unthinkable.

After O gave Connor some time to the Plan of the football stars, you could see significant results – in your opinion, to significant.

As you reported, she had taken within a short period of time so much that they self-perceived as “unattractive drought”. Not to early, complete with the self-attempt to break in, changed the rules so that they picked up more complex carbohydrates than is actually allowed.

Their conclusion: For short-term weight loss, the diet is well suited to continuous, you should not eat as a “normal person”, however, according to the principles of the professional athlete.

TB12-diet has a number of disadvantages

It can not only have aesthetic reasons to want to a lot of weight to lose: Radical diets can also be extremely dangerous for the health.

According to the Youtuberin however, this method has further disadvantages. It is a extremely expensive, very time-consuming. All dishes must be freshly prepared.

The cooking is accepted in the house of Brady by specially-recruited staff – for all who do not enjoy such privileges, the implementation is considerably more difficult.

Judith Kerstgens

*The post “fitness trainer eats like Tom Brady with stark consequences” comes from FitForFun. There is no editorial review by FOCUS Online. Contact with the executives here.