For new mums, exercise is usually last on the list of priorities, first of which is probably sleep! But exercise doesn’t have to mean slogging it out in the gym for hours. The health benefits of regular exercise – even short 15 minute bursts – has numerous health benefits for mums and can even help to renew energy!

Bec Wilcock, extreme athlete, Blackmores Wellbeing coach, founder of Love Me Fit and mum to 6-month-old Beau, sat down with Women’s Health to share her training tips for new mums. These moves are great for new mums as they form an entire boy workout in minimal time. The best news of all, your baby will be front and centre so the two of you can bond while you’re working out! 

Bec Wilcock’s 15-minute energiser workout for new mums:

  • 20 x bodyweight reverse lunge
  • 20 x bodyweight squat
  • 20 x push up (with kisses)
  • 20 x high plank taps
  • 20 x mountain climbers
  • 20 x baby holding static lunge
  • 20 x baby holding squat
  • 20 x baby holding squat press
  • 20 x baby holding hip thrusters

60 second rest.
Perform 3 rounds.

Safety advice to keep in mind when training with a young one:

  • Before starting any exercises, make sure you consult your healthcare professional and have your doctor’s permission, especially after a caesarean.
  • Before performing any exercises with your baby, consult your healthcare professional to ensure your baby can support their head comfortably.

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