Looking to improve your financial health? It might be time to don the lycra.

According to a new study by AMP, active Aussies are 64% more likely to achieve the majority of their financial goals than those who don’t. In fact, inactive Aussies are more than twice as likely to have no financial goals at all.

Being active comes with all sorts of perks, but AMP’s study found a clear correlation between playing sport, setting goals and the way we think about our long-term financial future. Sporty individuals are 66% more likely to make regular extra contributions to their super and are more than twice as likely to make property investments than inactive individuals.

But before you start signing up to every local sports club, the study found some sports fared better than others. Of the sports, cyclists and netballers were found to be the most financially savvy, while golfers and cricketers are most likely to seek financial advice. Golfers came out on top for personal savings with one in three holding more than $50,000 in savings.

Your finances aren’t the only thing that will benefit from hitting the golf course this weekend. The study also found that Aussies felt being sporty improved relationships, careers and financial stress.

Former AFL player and coach, Leigh Matthews considers a goal-oriented mindset crucial for success. “The one thing that all successful sports people have in common is that they set worthwhile and measurable goals. The very best then fully accept the challenge of investing the necessary time, effort and perseverance to find the ways and means to achieve these goals.”

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