What is soy?

Soy foods are products such as soy milk, cheese, yogurt, tofu, ice cream, butters, and other foods that are made from soybeans. Soy foods have recently become more popular in the United States, although people in Asia have eaten soybeans for hundreds of years.

What are the health benefits of soy foods?

Soy is rich in protein, vitamins, and minerals such as iron and calcium. Soy contains heart-healthy fat and is also low in saturated fat.

Where can I find soy foods?

Foods containing soy can be found at most local grocery stores, health food stores, or Asian grocery markets. Here is a list of some different soy foods:

Nutrition facts for soy foods:

What are some easy ways to eat soy?

  • Try soy nut butter instead of peanut butter
  • Use tofu or tempeh in stir-fries to add protein
  • Try snacking on soy nuts, or mix some into a trail mix
  • Substitute soymilk for cow’s milk

Here are two easy recipes to try:


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