A gentle Yoga Flow, sweat-inducing interval run or do you prefer the Snooze button Every Morning, you can decide new to the energy with which you would like to start the day.

To put it always on the same Routine, it can backfire. Because no matter whether sports, nutrition, or Mindset: women have needs in your cycle phases are different.

“You can do everything in every Phase. Some of the stuff a fall, depending on the phase of the cycle, however, is easier,” explained Insa schnieder Meier, blogger, and Yoga teacher.

You want to inspire other women to create an awareness of your body and the various energy levels during the cycle.

FIT FOR FUN: love Insa, what are the benefits of morning routines at all?

Insa schnieder Meier: The morning routine is the absolute Me-Time. Take time for yourself. By allowing cell phone and Laptop first off, it is undisturbed and not be distracted. You can collect a Plan for the day, and “restart”.

In the evening you no longer prioritizes Self-Care so often, because especially as women, we tend to want others to do and to do only anything else before we think of ourselves.

That is why it is so nice to take in the morning, the time when you have the Chance.

FIT FOR FUN: And the Morning air is wonderfully fresh…

Insa Schnieder Meier: Absolutely. The morning routine should be a help to start the day well – to recharge your batteries and feel fresh.

It usually consists of three components: exercise, nutrition and Mindset. If you are in the morning, made this, don’t you feel just fantastic, but encountered things and the challenges of the day will be different.

FIT FOR FUN: Why is it for women to be helpful, the morning routine of the cycle?

Insa schnieder Meier: The concept of the same morning routines is for men. We women are subject, in addition to the normal daily rhythm, but also to a second rhythm, the infradianen rhythm, or menstrual cycle. This takes about 28 days, some more, some less.

At this time we are going through a High and Low of different hormones that give us depending on the phase of the cycle more or more energy, or our communication skills affect.

In my new program “the morning routines in the cycle,” I explain the whole concept in more detail, with tips on exercise, nutrition, and Mindset for each phase of the cycle.

FIT FOR FUN: what was your morning routine today?

Insa schnieder Meier: I am currently in the luteal phase of my cycle, so in the second half of the cycle. In this time it has a particularly good focus and clarity, you can concentrate on the Essentials.

So my morning meditation currently offers particularly good for this, to reflect, options to weigh and decisions to make.

In my morning meditation, I ask myself the question: “Where should we go?”. Then I look at my To-Do’s and pranks Unnecessary way.

In addition, I’m in this Phase of “clean” food and Supplements such as Spirulina to me, in order to support the organs of digestion and PMS symptoms intercept.

FIT FOR FUN: Important decisions, but not always in the luteal phase, slide, or?

Insa schnieder Meier: no, of course you can not always in its luteal phase wait. But it is important to know that it is a good time to make decisions. You can trust in this time of his Intuition.

The only time I have – if possible – really important decisions to make is in the first two days of my menstrual – I am more at peace and introspection wisely.

FIT FOR FUN: How can we counteract the hormonal chaos at the beginning of the menstrual phase?

Insa schnieder Meier: I allow myself plenty of rest and take time to Meditate and journal writing.

In the menstruation phase, you can meditate much easier – you just sit there and literally in the Flow. It helps to eat warm and iron – and zinc-rich to put food remineralizing. Keyword: Soulfood.

On the first two days of my Menstruation I’m not or just very little and put instead on a gentle Yin Yoga or walks – depending on what me is.

FIT FOR FUN: What does the follicular and ovulation phase, the middle of the cycle?

Insa schnieder Meier: The time around ovulation is a good for HIITs, strenuous Workouts and long runs. It has a lot of energy, you need so much sleep and getting Up easier.

FIT FOR FUN: What is the biggest mistake many women make in their Routine?

Insa schnieder Meier: Many take the theme of the morning routine too seriously and stress out about it. We don’t have to.every day the same perfect program by coils, and a HIIT Workout by powers

If you have to force yourself to the morning routine, which is not conducive. Sometimes, less is more!

FIT FOR FUN: How long should be a morning routine?

Insa schnieder Meier: This is always depending on how you feel or what the day intends to do – the Routine is to help and not to limit it.

My Routine is between ten minutes and an hour. In particular, in the second half of the cycle, you need more sleep, so to sleep a bit longer and make for a shorter morning routine.

FIT FOR FUN: How can my establish his morning routine, when you live alone?

Insa schnieder Meier: consultation helps to: clearly communicate that every Morning taking time for yourself and not be disturbed would like to.

In the summer you can go in the morning, well get out, to make Sport, to be themselves and to meditate. Another possibility is, the Partner or the Partner with, to integrate, to meditate together, for example.

FIT FOR FUN: What if I’m on the pill?

Insa schnieder Meier: The natural four phases of our cycle by taking the pill suppressed. Here you can experience the natural cycle of phases and take advantage of.

You can Orient yourself to, but, of course, and the phases thus “mimic”.

FIT FOR FUN: Would you recommend to get off the pill?

Insa schnieder Meier: no, I would not say that. Each woman should decide for yourself, how you prevent. But Knowledge is Power.

Many women take the pill mainly for menstrual cramps or skin problems – these seem to be improved. But the symptoms are masked and not cured.

By cycle and the food can know – without a pill – many of these symptoms, of course. At the latest, when a person stops taking the pill, you have to deal, finally, with its natural cycle.

FIT FOR FUN: How women can get to know your cycle better?

Insa schnieder Meier: The first step in its cycle to get to know, him to track and to observe how it’s. There are many good cycle-Tracker Apps.

It is helpful, in the diary briefly: What day of the menstrual Cycle and how it goes to me today?

FIT FOR FUN: What would you like to give women more on the way?

Insa schnieder Meier: Be your own Girl Boss! Listen to your body and find out what suits you.

Your various energy respect levels, you know in your menstrual cycle, walk and use your new Cycle for you.

Support your body in each phase of the cycle with the appropriate nutrients, exercise, sleep, air, and love.

But here, there is also too restrictive. Go with the flow and let it you well go!

Insa Schnieder Meier

Insa schnieder Meier is a freelance writer, blogger and Yoga teacher. Due to your amenorrhea, i.e. the Absence of your period for two years, began in 2017, to deal with your diet, your sport program and to your Psyche. In the process, they developed a concept, with the women of your morning routine to your hormonal needs will be able to vote.

Your experience tells you honestly and with a wink on her Blog and on Instagram.

With your E-Book “morning routines in the cycle” supported Insa girls and women in the poorest regions of the world: 25 percent of the sales go to the Foundation “Care”.

Elina Feeder

*The post “Rise and shine: How women will vote tomorrow on a routine on your cycle” published by FitForFun. Contact with the executives here.