Stay tuned! To inspire, even in the cold Season, your Fitness, not to vernachläone

Even if the weather is not necessarily euphoria auslöst, can you Spa&szlig with a running group a lot; have

Define a target

The Sofa is soft, the blanket warm, draußen it rains in Strömen. Now active? Phew. Difficult. "Who says he mökilled in the autumn, likes a bit of Sport, has already verloren", Dr. Markus Klingenberg from Bonn, sports medicine, and since &uuml says;more than 20 years, also coaches.

Because goals motivate, rät he first to üconsidering what you can achieve mökilled: condition or increase? Fat and build muscle? Köbody circumference reduce? Relieve pain or avoid?

The objectives müno need to groß be. "Important to know is: Already, two units of cardio or strength training per week are sufficient to erhalten&quot to the Fitness;, Klingenberg says.

On the Season, adjust

In order to remain in the long term, on the Ball, should movement natüof course, joy. Helps to react to weather conditions: Who likes to wheel fährt, but rain and Glätte is not afraid, can Ger&auml on an Indoor;t. Who jogs rather, searches for routes which are also illuminated in the winter night, or on the treadmill.

Create liability

Rituals help the goals to implement. "We are not questioning whether it makes sense, the Zäto brush teeth. In motion it should sein", Klingenberg says. In General, The appointment with the training partner or running group &uuml: ;bt more pressure than a date, you just agreed with yourself.

Progress document

"Digital tools such as Apps and Wearables föpromote proven Trainingsdisziplin", Klingenberg says. Who wants to see success, you must measure. With pen and diary increases listed in the Fitness or pace to motivate as well.

"Reward yourself a quiet time after a successfully completing Pensum", rät in addition, a physical therapist Anne Rieke Dieckmann of Ärztenetz medicine, and More in Bünde (NRW).

The Drüber für draußen

Ideal running temperatures of around 18 degrees are rare in the dark time of the year. Functional clothing should w&auml not only;companies, but also of heat avoid and Schweiß derived. Klingenberg rät to the Polyester-spandex Mix.

Darüber may be of rain protection, in case of minus degrees, a glacier mask. "Cold air irritates the respiratory tract. Below 10 degrees otherwise it will be für many, critical."

Sometimes its good to let

"You have to train regelmäßig moderate instead of rare intensiv", rät Klingenberg. Otherwise &Uuml threaten;ber­stress or injury, which is usually a läfor a long forced break. In Erkäcold spare in case of fever or dullness of the workout. Health always comes first.

All-round fit

Even if it schwerfällt: "You can grab instead for the biscuits to Mandarine", rät Diekmann. Tädaily movement in the light of day in the fresh air stimulates the Vitamin D production.

Dafür maybe the way to the gym, walking instead of driving? Sufficient Flüreliability helps the cells with oxygen and Näto provide hrstoffen, and hält the Schleimhäute wet.

Delude themselves

Those who think in the cold Season müsse to do less than in the summer, is wrong. "Theoretically, we consume in Kälte more Kalorien", sports medicine Klingenberg says.

But thanks to the seasonal rhythm, we eat more. At home on the Couch, it is sometimes just the biscuits.

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