Well this week I feel a bit of a fraud. How was my weekend running? Err, didn’t do any. Haven’t run a step since Seville marathon, aside from the time last week where I broke into a jog to catch a bus. A whole week off running! Could I manage it? Turns out it was an excellent week to pick – after the snow started to settle, I began to wonder if my coach has some kind of magical control over the weather …

I have, however, spent lots of the last few days watching other people run. Yesterday saw the inaugural Big Half – I’m sure there were a fair few of you who took part, so please let me know how it was below the line. The men’s elite race was of course won by Mo Farah, as every news report pointed out. What many of them failed to even mention, however, was the more impressive and interesting women’s race, a battle between eventual winner Charlotte Purdue (smashing her PB with 70:29 and going to 10th on the UK all-time list) and Lily Partridge (who if I’m right exactly equalled her PB from January’s win at the Seville half marathon). Bring on London marathon!

Of course, I’ve also been watching more running (and jumping, and throwing) from the World Indoor Championships from Birmingham – in particular Laura Muir’s two wonderful medals and a truly amazing mens long jump competition. And then finally, of course, the sad news of Roger Bannister death. Contrast his 35 miles a week, half an hour a day regime with the miles that modern athletes punish themselves with, and he really did belong to a different world.

So – a huge amount of running, and none of it by me. How was your weekend, and did you take part in one of the many races yesterday? Cambridge half marathon was also on – I have fond memories of a PB there last year, less so of the biting wind! – though of course Bath half was sadly cancelled. As always, share your stories below the line …

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