It is hoped to have a refreshing and sparkling drink of water and get instead stale dishwater.

The extremely bad taste of stale water raises the question of whether the Whole thing might be hazardous to health.

The biggest concern on the increase directly to the point: It is not dangerous for your health to drink stagnant water. The reason for this is that bottled water runs out in the rule.

Stagnant water is changing chemically

If a bottle has already been opened on several occasions or a glass over a long period of time filled with water, standing around, changes the chemical composition of The water to take in carbon dioxide from the air and a part of the liquid to form carbonic acid, whereby the PH value of the water drops.

This in turn results in that the beverage taste is a little sour and our palate immediately detects that there is stagnant water.

In addition to our taste buds, no Region of the body is affected. In General, the consumption of stale water is not hazardous to health.

Water provided with a minimum shelf life data

Although the consumption of longer open water is actually safe, like water bottles an expiration date. It is, however, only a date of minimum durability.

As the bottled water regulation States that manufacturers are obliged to, such date.

Even after the expiry of this period, you can drink the water, however, without hesitation, says the information center of German mineral waters: “The carbon dioxide conserved the water and makes it almost infinite shelf life”, it says on their website.

Beware of water from plastic bottles

The only exception is water in plastic bottles because the packaging hormone can make similar chemicals into the water.

It is also unlikely that the immediate damage to health to occur, but scientists believe that long-term effects cannot be ruled out.

Therefore, it is generally recommended to open bottles within a few days to drink.

Of the multiple-use and refilling already used plastic bottles is not recommended also, especially micro-plastic particles can be made with time in the liquid – returnable bottles are affected more frequently than disposable bottles.


  • The Federal Ministry of justice and consumer protection (1984): regulation on natural mineral water, spring water undTafelwasser, retrieved on 24.01.2020:
  • Information center of German mineral water: All the information on the mineral, archived from the original on 24.01.2020:
  • D. Schymanski (2018): study of micro-plastics in food and cosmetics , archived from the original on 24.01.2020:

Judith Kerstgens

*The contribution of “health: Can be opened mineral water bad?” is published by FitForFun. Contact with the executives here.