Why the core is key

When you run, though your legs may be doing the lion’s share of the work, your upper body is constantly rotating. Your abdominals and obliques should be activated, providing balance and support. And of course your intercostal muscles are working away as you breathe more and more heavily, so these muscles need to be strong. If they aren’t, you are more likely to overcompensate elsewhere and perhaps cause an injury or pain.

“It’s so important. The stronger the core, the more likely you are to hold your form and less likely to get injured,” says Paula Radcliffe, a woman who knows a thing or two about running. So really, these are the most win/win of exercises: they may help you run faster and longer and get more defined stomach muscles. Who could possibly object to that? (*assumes plank position and awaits commenter doing precisely that*)


Here are some variations on the classic plank – getting progressively harder depending on your level of fitness/experience. I’m not suggesting you do all of these in one session, they are grouped together so you can take your pick, and perhaps move through them in each subsequent workout. Likewise, you can increase your time for each rep if you find 45 seconds too easy.

Military plank: 3 sets x 10 reps

Assume the plank position, then go up on to your arms – ie putting weight on hands not forearms – and down again (here’s a video). Essentially, you are moving from plank to press-up position and back again. This is also called the “ground and pound”, though I advise you not to google that term.

Swiss ball plank: 3 sets of 45-60 secs hold

As above, holding the plank position on a Swiss ball. Tip: come up into the position from your knees, or risk losing your balance and falling off in a comedy fashion. Yes, I have done that.

TRX plank (3 sets – 45secs hold)

A straightforward plank but with your feet in the TRX loops. Many gyms now have TRX areas and you can ask any trainer to show you how to adjust the length of the straps. A top tip is to put your feet in forward – ie sit down facing the straps. Put your left foot in the right loop and vice versa, then flip over on to your hands/forearms. This is a lot easier than trying to get your feet in backwards when lying or crouching face down.

Side plank thrusts

From the side plank position, simply dip your hip down towards the ground and up again.

Side plank twists

Another variation in the side plank is to touch your non-supporting arm to your ear, then twist or dip your elbow down toward the hand on the floor and back up again.

Russian twists: 3 sets x 20 twists

Sit on the floor with your knees slightly bent, as if you were about to do a sit-up. Keep feet together. Using your weighted ball or kettlebell (whatever weight is appropriate for you), swing the weight from one side of your body to the other in a twisting movement. Don’t stop between twists.

Cable woodchops: 3 sets x 12 reps

A rotational exercise, this uses the cable machine at the gym – do ask a trainer to show you how it works and ensure you get the right weight/resistance for you – it’s essentially a pulley system. Stand at 90 degrees to the machine, arms straight, holding the handle, then bring it around to the front of your body and across to the other side – ie a 180 degree movement (the pictures above showing just the first half or first 90 degrees).

Swiss ball lower back extensions: 3 sets x 12 reps

Put your feet up against a wall – just for stability (not essential but certainly helps getting into position). Lie over the ball with your chest lowered and your hands raised to your ears. Then raise your chest up with your arms remaining parallel – you should feel a good back stretch. Pause and come back down.

These workouts are devised with the help of David Oladogba at Virgin Active

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