The Coronavirus pandemic has the world: More than 2 million people worldwide are ill. Germany has set out to curb the new rules. The strong made the USA also works. How Germany and the world with the Coronavirus pandemic bypass and the latest News in the Ticker from FOCUS Online.
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43 illegal harvest helpers stopped by the open border to the Netherlands
Top news (08.33 PM): The CSU requires for the control of the Corona pandemic, the use of the Federal police on all German country borders. To FOCUS the Chairman of the Bundestag Committee on internal Affairs, Andrea Lindholz said: “A risk of Transmission exists in the world in a vast number of regions. Therefore, should take place at every German border controls." Lindholz criticized, on the border to the Netherlands, no people at the point of entry into the Federal Republic of Germany to be controlled.
The Robert Koch Institute (RKI) declared the Netherlands is one of the most risk area. Also, Federal interior Minister Horst Seehofer is still border controls on the German-Dutch border. Reason for this is that the border of the loophole for illegal immigrants to the developed end. In an internal memo of the Federal Minister of the interior means that the harvesters and human traffickers and asylum seekers crossed illegally the border to Germany. Accordingly, the Federal police to handle, for example, on Holy Saturday 43 Bulgarian harvest worker in Münster. They were flown from Sofia to Eindhoven and had taken the train in the Westphalian metropolis. The for harvest workers, mandatory medical certificate, they could not have. The men are wanted on asparagus fields in the district of Warendorf work. Friso Gentsch/dpa
Armin Laschet, Minister-President of North Rhine-Westphalia, had been the very last on the other hand for open borders in the Netherlands and Belgium. "Health can only be achieved across borders,“ he explained around the beginning of April in a video message on Twitter, which was recorded in Vaals on the Dutch-German border.
In the "Euregio" the people live across borders. In a nearby hospital patients from Germany and the Netherlands would also be treated together. The decision of the so-called "Corona-Kabinetts" in Berlin, the support for this decision, he welcomed explicitly. "The fight has gelohnt".
RKI: Corona-infection rate decreases – Important value under the steps
Top news (07.12 PM): The rates of Infection with the novel Coronavirus is in Germany, according to the Robert Koch-Institute decreased. According to the on Thursday evening, published on the RKI statistics, every Infected is now less than another people, the so-called reproduction rate is 0.7. This means that the number of new back sick easily, such as the RKI reported. At the beginning of March, the key number was three, at the 8. April 1.3 – each with a certain range of fluctuation. The measure indicates how many people are infected with a sick Person, on average.
RKI-President Lothar Wieler had said on Tuesday, in order to let the epidemic is abating, would have to be in this reproduction number below 1, currently amounts to 1.2. Also, German Chancellor Angela Merkel had made in the Wake of the announcement of the first relaxation in Corona-measures on Wednesday that even seemingly small Changes in the reproduction number can have significant consequences. Reuters/Michael Sohn/POOL AP/dpa RKI-President Lothar Wieler.
"The R-estimation results for the beginning of March, values in the range of R equal to 3, the decrease after that, and since the 22. March to R equal to 1 stabilisieren", it was called by the RKI. Background: at Is a man more than another, the value is about 1, the number of infections. A value below 1 slacken off an epidemic after and after.
- Read also: 1.0 or 1.2 is a big difference – reproduction number instead of doubling: behind Merkel’s Corona invoice
Figures in Wuhan corrected: 1290 Corona-Dead reported more than before
Top news (06.42 PM): The Chinese city of Wuhan has the number of the Corona of the dead, surprisingly, around 50 per cent, revised upwards. The authorities reported on Friday, are in the Central Chinese city in which the pandemic had taken their output, but further 1290 people in consequence of the lung disease Covid-19 died. Thus, the total number of the dead increases in Wuhan on 3896 Dead. So far, only 2579 Deaths had been reported.
The country-wide total number of previously 3342 dead in China was not corrected on Friday yet official, is expected to increase to more than 4600. The new data confirm the already longer existing assumptions, that in the official Chinese statistics, many cases are not included in the calculation had been.
There were a number of reasons for the significant correction. So patients had died at the beginning at home. Also " were sick, or overwhelmed homes and Doctors and medical staff have been busy with the onslaught of the Infected,;to late for what, missing and false Reports führte", as the official Xinhua news Agency reported.
Some medical facilities were not to the information network connected or had not reported in a timely manner. Reports on some of the Deceased had not been complete, further reported Xinhua. So the authorities have reviewed the available data to get a complete picture. In the data, but also to the "Credibility of the Regierung", the Agency quoted an Official. Ng Han Guan/AP/dpa
Here you will find the currently reported Figures by the health ministries of the countries.
- Baden-Württemberg: 26.630 (874 Deaths)
- Bavaria: 35.523 (1070 Deaths)
- Berlin: 4971 (84 Deaths)
- Brandenburg: 2249 (76 Deaths)
- Bremen: 553 (22 Deaths)
- Hamburg: 4064 (65 Deaths)
- Hesse: 6590 (192 Deaths)
- Mecklenburg-Vorpommern: 642 (13 Deaths)
- Lower Saxony: 8462 (272 Deaths)
- North Rhine-Westphalia: 28.000 (760 Deaths)
- Rhineland-Palatinate: 5156 (90 Deaths)
- Saarland: 2275 (83 Deaths)
- Saxony: 4110 (94 Deaths)
- Saxony-Anhalt: 1281 (28 Deaths)
- Schleswig-Holstein: 2294 (55 Deaths)
- Thuringia: 1604 (45 Deaths)
Total: Stand 16.04., 20.06 Clock: 134.404 (3823 Deaths)
Stand from the day before: 15.04., 20.07 PM: 131.410 (3552 Deaths)
Source to be Infected – and death-figures: country health and social ministries.
The number of Healed, according to the Robert Koch Institute in Germany, at 77,000.
Reported corona virus cases in Germany (click on your state)
Masks sew it yourself! Firefighters released a simple Video guide
FOCUS Online/News5 masks sew it yourself! Firefighters released a simple Video guide
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Spahn: Corona App in a few weeks of use – RKI testing
9.19 PM: Up to the planned mobile App to contain the Coronavirus in Germany can be used, it should, according to the Federal Minister of health, Jens Spahn for several weeks. "Developed with Hochdruck", the CDU-politician said on Friday in "ARD-Morgenmagazin". "But the truth is: Damit's is really good, it takes rather three to four weeks than two weeks."
Spahn said: "The issue is that we need to be in data security, data protection and the underlying concept, of course, as perfect as possible. The need to meet the requirements we ask of otherwise of such a technology."
One such App is since weeks out of the conversation. It comes, to inform people quickly, if you had contact to the Infected. The use is to be voluntary. A spokesman for the Ministry of health had said on Wednesday that the App was currently being tested by the Robert Koch Institute.
"It is very, very important that we if someone tested positive for Corona, quickly contacts can keep track of the last few days, can inform and also be able to ask, can ask to bleiben" at home;, Spahn said. "This needs to be done at the Moment, manually, by phone, by Visit, by the health authorities. And such an App could make it easier of course."
Trump in front of back row and three-stage Corona Plan
07.01 PM: US President Donald Trump wants the U.S. with new guidelines in the Corona of a crisis in three phases on the path to normalcy and the economy gradually re-open. A country-wide closure could be no long-term solution, said Trump on Thursday evening at the White house with a view on the economy. According to data from the U.S. labor Department on Thursday have lost in a month, around 22 million people in their Job. Trump said: "We need to have a functioning economy. And we want you very, very quickly."
Trump’s Plan is a far-reaching return to normality in three steps, if in Federal States or regions in the United States certain criteria are met. A precise timetable, the guidelines do not include. Instead, Federal States or regions in front of the entrance to meet in each of the three phases of a number of conditions. So is there have decreased, for example, before each new Phase, the number of detected Coronavirus infections, respectively, over a 14-day period.
- In the first Phase are the existing guidelines, the end-of-month expiry, only slightly loosened. Accumulations of more than ten people should continue to be avoided. Who can work from home, should continue to do so. Where possible, these workers will return gradually to their jobs. Schools that are currently closed should remain closed. Restaurants, cinemas and houses of worship are only open when a safety distance between visitors can be guaranteed.
- In the second Phase, should workers continue to work from home are encouraged. In company community spaces where people come together to remain closed. Visits to old age homes and hospitals should continue to remain prohibited. Trips that are not essential, but should be possible again. Schools will re-open.
- In the third Phase, to workers without restrictions, to their jobs to return to, this should also re-visits to old age homes and hospitals will be allowed. Vulnerable groups of the population should, however, continue to comply with the distance to other people. Persons who do not belong to these groups, to spend consider as little time as possible in crowds of people to.
Alex Brandon/AP/dpa
Disbursement of relief grants by the Federal government in Saxony stopped
23.04 PM: Also in Saxony are fraudulent websites to obtain Corona-aid to companies showed up. "The payment of the emergency grants from the Federal government is up to the clarification of the facts gestoppt", the development Bank of Saxony (SAB) on Thursday evening. "The loan from the free state of Saxony, are not affected." The Bank had "all necessary measures are taken to vermeiden" to misallocation of public funds;. Reuters police officers patrol a subway station at the Alexanderplatz in Berlin.
Applications for both programs could continue to be made, said the Bank. To prevent damage, should the applicant pay attention when you Call the website to make an application to the correct spelling of the Internet address of the SAB:
Previously, Westphalia, had been stopped in North Rhine-according to fraud, the emergency assistance program for small businesses in the Corona-crisis temporarily. This Friday it will start again and then even better fraud protection.
Nearly 3000 new Coronavirus cases in Germany
23.21 PM: The number of confirmed Corona cases in Germany in the last 24 hours on 134.404 increased. Thus, the authorities included the Federal States of nearly 3,000 new infections. In addition, 271 people died, in total, there are now 3823 deaths in Germany.
Right in the middle of Corona-crisis: Brazil’s President of health dismisses Minister
22.49 PM: Brazil’s President Jair Bolsonaro has in the middle of the Corona-crisis, the popular Minister of health, Luiz Henrique Mandetta dismissed. This Mandetta announced on Thursday after a Meeting with Bolsonaro at the presidential Palace in the Internet short message service Twitter. The right-wing populist head of state was in crisis in their own country has come under increasing criticism. “I’ve heard of President Jair Bolsonaro just the notification of my dismissal,” he wrote after a Meeting with Bolsonaro at the seat of government in Brasilia. “I would like to thank you for the opportunity to plan the handling of the pandemic, the great challenge that faces our health care system.”
Reuters/Ricardo Moraes/Pool Reuters/AP Brazil’s President Jair Bolsonaro.
On the announcement the way Brazilians demonstrated in different cities of the country. In the case of so-called panelaços in Rio de Janeiro and São Paulo, the people from the Protest on pots and pans beat, also “Bolsonaro out” -were Calling from the Windows open loud.
While Bolsonaro verharmloste the Coronavirus pandemic, was Mandetta to the international recommendations of an aggressive approach in the fight against the pandemic. Bolsonaro had repeatedly denounced a “hysteria” in the fight against the Virus. He also referred to the of the pathogen-triggered lung disease Covid-19 as a “small flu”.
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