The Duchess of Cambridge is no stranger to getting praise for her impeccable beauty and grace, especially for her skin. At 35 years of age, having birthed two children and now pregnant with a third, Kate looks ravishing. So, what’s her secret? Is it the face exfoliation she does with a muslin washcloth? Or is it her diet? Neither. It’s rosehip oil.

In a report published by US Weekly, it was revealed by a credible source that both Duchess and her mother, Carole, are huge fans of using rosehip oil every day during their beautification rituals. The Duchess uses it because she feels her skin is rejuvenated after using the product. She also revealed that it is because of rosehip oil that she is able to sport a fresh-looking skin in her third pregnancy as well.

The Duchess of Cambridge has admitted to regularly use Rosehip oil because it is the only product that makes her skin appear rejuvenated

What is Rosehip Oil?

Rosehip is an accompanying fruit of the rose plant, and the oil is extracted from the seed of the rosehip. It is rich in antioxidants, essential fatty acids, and vitamins, all of which help in making the skin smooth and silky.

Anti-Aging Properties

Although there are many other sources of vitamin A, what makes this oil special is that it has small molecules that are able to penetrate the smallest pores in the skin, reaching deeper into the skin layers. This builds up moisture as well as collagen levels in the skin, building up substance which, in effect, lowers signs of aging.

Rosehip is a rich source of Vitamin A, which has been linked with removing spots on face caused by aging as well as wrinkles

The Perfect Moisturizer

Vitamin A helps in moisturizing, but what makes rosehip oil the perfect moisturizer is that it is 80% fatty acids, such as Omega 6 and 9. These are the same fatty acids which are found in fish oil, however, the ones found in fish are mostly Omega 3. They act as the building blocks of the skin and treat it from within, which makes them an excellent choice to fight dehydration of the skin.

The Perfect Defence Against Pollutants

The antioxidants which are packed within rosehip oil act as the first defence against the many pollutants roaming in the air. When going out on the streets, where pollutants from traffic and other sources are in excess amounts, a gentle application of rosehip oil will provide your skin with the necessary defences to fight them off. These antioxidants also defend the skin against the harmful UV rays of the sun, however using a sunblock in sunnier environments is still recommended to avoid sun burn.

Helps in Treating Scars and Eczema

The skin embedding quality of fatty oils helps in healing superficial scars (or lessen the visibility of deeper scars) as the combination of fatty oils and vitamin A has regenerative properties. If the skin is too tight, it will loosen it up and make it more flexible. The texture of the skin is also improved, as any gaps in the skin caused by damage to it from external environment are filled by the fatty acids. Post pregnancy stretch marks can also be healed with regular application of rosehip oil.

Many people who suffer from eczema, a skin disorder that results in extremely dry and flaky skin, will find it very helpful in maintaining a good level of moisture in their skin. Instead of moisturizing with a body lotion twice or thrice a day, a single application of rosehip oil is a better solution.

Is it really that miraculous?

Unfortunately, Rosehip’s extraordinary benefits continue to be unknown to many

The amazing properties of rosehip oil are no secret. But, thanks to big companies who try to hush the news about this natural remedy to skincare, it is not known to many people. However, the trend seems to be changing, as an increasing number of people, such as the Duchess herself, are posting testimonials on the internet vouching for the miraculous qualities of the oil. Since it is all natural, there are no side effects to its use.

Of course, the first application may not generate miraculous results, but with regular use over a period of time (let’s give it a couple of weeks), you will start to notice that your skin is healthier and younger-looking.

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