Who needs outside office hours medical assistance, can dial the emergency numbers 112 or 116 117. A third, often underestimate pillar in the emergency supply, the pharmacies are. This needs to be protected, the delegates of the Association of pharmacists of North Rhine e. V. carried out in the OTC summit in 2018 in Düsseldorf agreed.

"It is important to have a discussion about the fact that pharmacies are also an important point of contact with the emergency service sind", Thomas price, Chairman of the pharmacists Association Nordrhein e. V. Because there are quite a few patients who visit during the night and emergency service times, the pharmacy says. Often it is a matter of medicines on prescription, and more frequently, to over-the-counter drugs such as nasal spray, pain relievers, or the "Pill danach". In addition to the supply of medicines to pharmacies as a low-threshold point of contact, also have gate-keeping function. "We need total coverage by pharmacies and by Ärzte", price stressed.

Many of the subjective as an emergency, perceived health complaints, such as tooth pain or a migraine attack, can be use of non-prescription drugs are alleviated. Others require a prescription. To relieve the pressure on outpatient and emergency calls, saving patient’s time and to strengthen pharmacies, don’t consider whether you could dismiss one or the other ingredient from the recipe requirement, health economist, Prof. Dr. Uwe Jun of the University of applied Sciences Fresenius. In other countries there are more active ingredients without a prescription. A promising candidate for such a Switch would be from his point of view, for example, antibiotic eye drops or –ointments for the treatment of a conjunctivitis, medically conjunctivitis, which is currently only available on doctor’s prescription.

Another idea to improve the emergency care Dr. med threw. Carsten king, Vice-Chairman of the physicians ‘ Association of North Rhine into the race: An emergency pharmacy always establish where an emergency practice or portal practice. From the point of view of the king it makes no sense, the outpatient and the inpatient sector to unite, to establish initial evaluation procedures and rescue services to integrate and be an important pillar – the pharmacies – to let the outside before. An idea for the Lutz Engelen, President of the pharmacist chamber North-Rhine, heating &ndash could; at least in theory. From the point of view of the pharmacist representative, the feasibility, however, is still off in the distance: "Previously, many laws at the Federal level would have to be changed werden", so Engelen.


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