If you have never heard of “plogging,” you may assume it has something to do with blogging or vlogging. But actually, this strange-yet-catchy word refers to a type of eco-friendly exercise! Specifically, the term is an amalgamation of “picking up litter” and “jogging,” and proponents of the new trend sing its praises because it allows them to do something good for themselves and for the environment in which they love to jog simultaneously. And it actually offers more health benefits than jogging alone, as the frequent pausing to pick up trash acts as a sort of spontaneous interval training, adding squatting, bending, and stretching to your run (via Real Simple).

Not a runner? Not to worry! There are no set rules for plogging; if you prefer a leisurely walk or an uphill hike, you can still take along everything you need to safely and successfully clean up the natural beauty around you.  

Here's what you'll need if you want to go plogging

Aside from your usual jogging gear, like a good pair of sneakers and a reusable bottle of water, Real Simple says ploggers should take along a tool to help safely pick up trash without contaminating your hands. This could be a pair of gloves, a trash picker, or some other device that keeps your bare hands safe. You also want to bring a bag (reusable is ideal for the super eco-friendly, but a trash bag may make the most sense depending on your situation and location). Another great thing to bring with you? A friend! According to worldsmarathons.com, not only is a running buddy proven to help you beat boredom and increase social interaction, but they also help keep you more motivated, more accountable, and help you reach your goals.

Not sure where to go plogging or who to take along? No problem! The official organization geared toward encouraging people to plog, goplogging.org, suggests using social media to connect with other ploggers. Even if you prefer not to go with someone you have met online, you can communicate with each other, update each other on new spots or successful trips, and help keep each other motivated! So next time you decide to head out for a walk, bring along a trash bag and maybe post a “plogging pic” to your social media to encourage others to do the same.   

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