The Coronavirus pandemic has the world firmly in its grip: More than five million people were infected worldwide with the novel pathogen, Sars-CoV-2 – 181.468 of them so far in Germany.

35 Infected to celebrate in Göttingen, hardly cooperation

After the infection of Dozens of people, a Pentecostal Church in Bremerhaven with the Coronavirus has now become another major outbreak in lower Saxony, is known. A city spokeswoman said, infected with some of the larger private celebrations, several people with the new Coronavirus. The Affected are for the most part, members of different extended families. They come from Göttingen and the surrounding area. "For privacy, no further information on the Concerned can werden&quot made;, the spokeswoman for. The people have been taken for probably the last weekend.

After the eruption in connection with a number of celebrations in Göttingen 160 people in quarantine, including 57 children and young people are. As the city announced with Saturday evening, have been 35 people, be positive to Sars-CoV-2 tested. "Currently, all contact persons will be tested in the first degree in city and district of Göttingen for the Virus to erlangen&quot an Overview of the Situation;, the city spokeswoman said. Also on the Whitsun week-end should be tested. The number of people to be contacted to move in the three-digit range. Among the contact persons-many of them children and young people. The schools had already been informed. imago images/spfimages

The health Department was pursuing at the weekend under high pressure chains of the Infection, the quarantine orders would be immediately created. According to "NDR" it will be harder to track, however, due to the low willingness to cooperate: On Saturday, 90 people should be tested, he appeared in only 15.

The "Hessische Niedersächsische Allgemeine" (HNA) reported that on Friday, a quarantined Person in Göttingen, of the public order office and the police to interview with a judge was brought in because the Person failed several times against the Quarantine regulations and in the city centre of Göttingen have stopped. Whether there is here outbreaks a connection with the new Corona, can be excluded neither completely confirmed yet, it was called by the city.

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