COVID-19: the Possible processes of SARS-CoV-2 infections-an Overview

The disease gradients at COVID-19 are more likely to be non-specific and vary greatly. The extent of a SARS-CoV-2 infection range from symptom-free paths is a medium weight, influenza-like illness to severe and life-threatening disease, requiring intensive medical care. This article gives an Overview of possible courses of the disease.

The individual course forms a COVID-19-disease differ very considerably. First studies suggest that around 43 percent of all SARS-CoV-2-infections asymptomatic. The affected persons do not realize even that you have attached. Among the laboratory confirmed cases, around 80 percent of all COVID were-19-cases of mild. 14 percent of the confirmed cases were heavy, but not life-threatening, and in some six percent of the cases, a critical or life-threatening course was.

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Corona symptoms: How COVID-19 felt?

When it comes to complaints, some pain 80 percent of the Affected only mild cold symptoms with Chills and neck. About 60 percent of Patients notice a smell and taste disorders. According to the Robert Koch Institute (RKI) reported approximately every second Person who contracted the disease through coughing. 42 percent of those Infected had fever, around every fifth Ill a runny nose occurs. In three percent of cases, there is a pneumonia (lung inflammation). Other complaints that can occur in COVID-19, according to the RKI:

COVID-19 incubation period

The incubation time, i.e. the time between infection with the Virus and the first symptoms, is COVID-19, on average, five to six days. Overall, the span of the incubation time from one day up to 14 days, which is why a quarantine in case of suspicion of a Coronavirus infection at least two weeks must be.

SARS-Cov-2 infectivity

The risk of other people to infect, if you yourself are ill, begins, according to the RKI, two days before the symptom onset. The maximum infectivity is reached on the previous day before the start of the first complaints. As long as a Diseased infectious, is not yet fully understood. First investigations showed that the smear samples from the throat contained up to four days after symptom onset are capable of propagation of viruses. In the Sputum (lung secretions) could be detected until the eighth day after the onset of symptoms of infectious viruses.

Corona without symptoms

In order to identify the dark figure of the Infected, it is important to know the proportion of symptom-free gradients. Large anti-body testing of the population is needed, due to start in may. A research team at the Imperial College London has, however, already tested almost the entire population in the Italian village of Vo with 3.304 residents, and received a first impression about the proportion of asymptomatic gradients.

The village was cordoned off at the time of testing. It was tested at the beginning of the Isolation 85.9 per cent of the population, and at the end of the insulation, once again, 71.5 percent of all persons living in the household and at the same time the symptoms of the interviewed. This showed that 43.2 percent of all SARS-CoV-2 infections that occurred in the period of the study in Vo, were without symptoms. The virologist Professor Dr. Christian Drosten was impressed by the results. “I think this is a number that you now can work in the future,” he said in his NDR Podcast. For more information, refer to the article: Corona without symptoms possible?

Mild COVID-19-gradients

Guessing the mild and fashion disease, all trajectories are counted gradients, with no signs of lung inflammation or with mild lung inflammation without shortness of breath and need for oxygen supply. As mentioned above, falling 80 per cent of all laboratory-confirmed COVID-19-gradients in this category. The Affected the disease from curing in the rule in domestic quarantine. After one to two weeks of symptom onset, the disease is not considered to have survived if it comes to a severe course.

Heavy COVID-19-gradients

Around 14 percent of all laboratory-confirmed COVID-19-run disease is difficult. In these gradients, a pneumonia is generally, which affects more than half of the lung. Analysis of the Chinese case series showed that can present with pulmonary inflammation of two to seven days (average four days) after the beginning of the first complaints.

Severe cases are characterized by symptoms such as shortness of breath and respiratory distress and require care in the hospital with an additional supply of oxygen. If the gravity gradient is under control, not it should not be regarded as life-threatening as long as the condition worsens. On average, the Affected five days after symptom onset to be admitted to a hospital and stay there for the treatment for ten days.

Critical COVID-19-gradients

In six percent of the laboratory-confirmed cases of a critical or life-threatening course is. These gradients have a high risk of a respiratory failure, septic shock, or multiple organ happened to fail. Many of those Affected need to be machined ventilated. A critical course of the disease may extend over a period of up to seven weeks.

Many of the critical gradients, a so-called Acute lung failure (ARDS) and acute respiratory distress syndrome. From a Chinese case series shows that the ARDS often occurs eight to nine days after the onset of the Disease.

COVID-19-mortality rate

The exact mortality rate cannot be determined due to the inaccurate unreported so far. Initial studies, such as, for example, the Heinsberg-study by Professor Dr. Streeck, suggest that 0.3 to 0.5 percent of all those Infected COVID-die 19. Among the cases that resulted in death of people over the age of 70 years and above and persons with pre-existing conditions, especially with heart disease, Diabetes, obesity and organ damage, or transplanted organs are mainly. In addition, the latest study suggest that the results from China to the fact that men are more likely to COVID-19 die as women. (vb)