The Avocados are here in Germany in terms of climate protection and ecological footprint, a concern that is already known.

Now, the Bund für Umwelt und Naturschutz (BUND), advises: if the Avocado, then grab better to the essfertigen, pre-matured variants.

Why? The storage and Degreening of Avocados in air-conditioned halls, costs too much energy and, like you said, the Eco – and climate balance is already bad, because the cultivation is very resource-intensive and long transport routes will be added.

You can’t do without, however, to the healthy fruit, there are a variety of ways.

Avocados ripen let

Hard Avocados ripen at home at room temperature – not in the refrigerator within a few days.

Best along with an Apple wrapped in a cloth store, because the Apple plug at the end of the Gas ethylene stimulates the ripening of other fruit varieties.

Mature and already cut Avocados should be stored in the refrigerator. So they stayed longer.

Cut the avocado halves on to wrap the core together in a beeswax cloth.

Photo gallery: 10 tips for more sustainability in everyday life

The avocado core to throw away

From the point of view of the environmentalists, even the core of the Avocado do not need to land absolutely in the trash.

It contains many vitamins, amino acids and minerals and allow yourself to be grated in small quantities to Smoothies, cereals, and purees.

The consumer centers, however, suggest that health risks cannot be ruled out due to the lack of studies. They advise, therefore, from consumption of cores and the produced therefrom powder.

Regional Alternatives to the Avocado

Avocados provide, among other things, the vital Omega-3 fatty acids. But the healthy fat is also in many regional foods such as Flaxseed, linseed oil and hemp oil.

Many hemp products are already made in Germany and therefore have short transport routes.

The Avocado contains Vitamin K1, which is mainly used for the preservation of the blood clotting responsible – without it, you would bleed to death – is also in all green vegetables such as lettuce, Watercress, chives, spinach, broccoli, fennel or Kale – just to name a few.

Regional and seasonal food makes a major contribution to climate protection.


  • The FEDERAL government (2020): Avocados – How super is the super fruit?, archived from the original on 13.03.2020:
  • Consumption Central (2019): Avocado Seeds? Dear not!, archived from the original on 13.03.2020:

Deutsche Presse-Agentur (dpa), Andra Schmidt

*The contribution of the “Pro climate protection: which is Why you should not tire Avocados more” will buy published by FitForFun. Contact with the executives here.