For Breakfast, a Salami sandwich, lunch of Spaghetti Bolognese and a sausage salad.

“On average, the per capita consumption of meat in Germany for more than 100 grams a day,” says nutritional medicine Prof. Christian Sina.

“This is in line with the recommendations of the professional societies to much.” He pleads for indulgence in moderation and not every day. “The dose makes the poison.”

In principle, it is important to distinguish between the red and white meat, explains Silke rest Meyer of the German society for nutrition (DGE). Red the beef, pork, lamb and goat. White is from the poultry such as chicken or Turkey.

“Who eats a lot of red meat and sausage, has a higher risk for colon cancer,” says rest Meyer. “For white, however, is according to current knowledge, has no relation to cancer diseases.”

Color is not everything

Christian Sina, Director of the Institute for nutritional medicine at the University hospital Schleswig-Holstein, sees this a little differently. “We should no longer distinguish between a flat rate of between red and white meat, with a view to the health,” he says.

“But more important, it seems to be, from what Region the animal’s body the meat comes and how the type of preparation.”

Many varieties, such as Salami, meat, sausage, and Teewurst are also rich in fat. And they provide a lot of saturated fatty acids and cholesterol, which can contribute to fat metabolism disorders, says rest Meyer.

“This is not only crucial, which is the fat content in the sausage, but also how much the one is actually and can record digest,” added Sina.

Photo gallery: The 10 Basics of a healthy diet

Low-fat is better

Rest Meyer advises in the case of meat and sausage in principle, therefore, the low-fat variant. “These are, for example, the upper and lower shell, sirloin, or hip,” she says. And, in the case of the sausage “should you choose poultry, sausage, Roast, or Aspikaufschnitt and ham without the fat border.”

Ideal is a gentle way of preparing it is with little fat. “This maintains the taste and preserves the nutrients,” explains rest Meyer. She recommends grilling, Stewing in the vegetable stock or Cooking in the oven.

In addition to preparation and kind of the origin and quality play a role when it comes to the health hazard of meat.

“It’s the notes that we also need to focus on the housing conditions and especially the diet of the animal itself more and more into the focus, because these factors can affect the quality of the meat on for us, the important nutrients are on the increase,” says Sina.

The good side of meat and sausage

Because it is precisely as part of a mixed diet of meat, has not only After, but also advantages. It contains important nutrients such as proteins, B-vitamins, including Vitamin B12, iron as well as selenium and zinc.

“Nevertheless, that adults should not eat a week more than 300 to 600 grams of meat and sausage,” says rest Meyer.

Sina looks, the standard dietary recommendations of 300 to 600 grams rather critical:

“This information can only serve as an indicative size. Meaningful studies are scarce. It is crucial to react like our bodies to food. What is good for one, do not need to be for the other good.”

Deutsche Presse-Agentur (dpa)

*The contribution of “poison or pleasure: How unhealthy meat and sausage are released?” is of FitForFun. Contact with the executives here.