Enter, her latest workout – a “quick glutes, abs and abs sizzler you can cook up in the kitchen.” The best part? It’s suitable for a small space (check), will distract you from doomsday (check), and all you’ll need is a pair of socks (check, check, check.)

“STAY HEALTHY. STAY MOVING ?❤️,” the post on IG reads.

 The first exercise is a reverse sock lunge and skater lunge x 10 reps. “Stack Right knee over Right ankle, push weight down through your front foot, especially the heel. Left leg extends straight back, hinge torso forward,” she writes. This will work the side of the body you’re standing on, which is the right side in the vid. “So control the move through your right foot!” she adds.

Next, is 10 reps each leg of lateral sock lunges and lateral skaters. “Sit hips back as you extend your left leg out straight to the side. Push through your Right foot to starting position. Stay low in the skaters like you’re holding an isometric squat.”

Then comes my personal fave, the wide sock sweep. Kirsty’s tip? “Anchor weight down through Right foot as you sweep your left leg in a wide arc crossing all the way out to the right. Left leg stays straight.” Aim for 10 reps, then switch to the other side.

Exercise 4, sock pikes, will have your arms and abs burning. “Tuck chin as you pike your hips up. Try and be light through your feet,” she advises.

Next, move onto modified 90-degree ab work. Here, your right foot should stay on the floor as the right knee drives into your right elbow, slides under the body and then out to your left. “Alternate sides. 10 reps each leg. Maintain a strong plank the whole time!”

Last but not least is a single-leg bear skate. “Hover in Bear position: knees under hips, hands under shoulders, knees just off the floor.” The idea is to pick one foot up as you skate with the other. Do 10 reps then switch.”

So, there you have it – the ultimate inspo to keep you active during lockdown. Love your work, Kirst!

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