They say you are what you eat, and for an athlete that means going the extra mile to ensure you’re consuming the best food possible. If you own a Ferrari, you wouldn’t want to fill it with the wrong fuel.

Over the last few years, runners of all levels have benefited from increased awareness of nutrition and sports science. But with athletics being such an individual sport, we need to take responsibility for our own diets, while remembering the feedback of coaches. People may think that elite athletes are constantly following set advice from sports scientists and nutritionists, but the reality is that everybody’s needs are different and it’s important to eat what personally works for you.

I don’t follow a structured diet plan, but like to eat similar foods every day – with meals carefully fitted in between my two daily running sessions. I also like to get regular medical check-ups, testing my iron levels to ensure I’m in peak condition for training.

Healthy eating is already a big part of my life – I grow my own vegetables and make sure I avoid anything fatty or high in sugar. Distance running burns a lot of calories, so it’s important to eat well, but also to ensure it’s the right type of food to help your performance.

I used to eat little and often; I’d have a bowl of cereal every few hours to keep my energy levels up, whilst not taking on too much food. I’ve since realised that nutrition is all about quality over quantity, and have found that eating proper, wholesome meals, at regular intervals, has really helped my training.

I start every day with a shot of a gel containing various nutrients and vitamins. It also contains glucosamine, which is good for the joints – an important supplement for runners who spend a lot of time on the road or track. Not being a big fish eater, I also think that fish oil tablets are a useful addition to my diet, providing a good source of omega-3s.

My supplements are followed by a bowl of porridge, which I eat with water rather than milk as it stops me from feeling bloated ahead of my morning run.

As any runner will know, pre-race nerves can make it difficult to stomach breakfast ahead of a big event. To overcome this, you can try waking up earlier than usual – I normally eat around 5am – then eat a banana shortly before the race. Providing you’ve had a nutritious meal the night before, you should only need to boost your energy levels, not build them from scratch.

After my morning training run, I’ll eat a jacket potato and salad for lunch, or another form of complex carbohydrate like rice or pasta to keep me fuelled for the rest of the day. Then, after my second run, I’ll have a meat-based evening meal – usually chicken. I avoid eating too much bread with meals, as it can make me feel sluggish during training.

Hydration is, of course, essential. Before, during and after exercise, it’s vital to ensure your body is properly fuelled and you are replacing the fluid lost through sweat. I’ve been told by the experts that if your body is not fully hydrated, you might only achieve 90% of your potential performance. And that could be the difference between winning or losing a race, or beating your personal best.

Gemma Steel works with Sainsbury’s, a proud partner of British Athletics

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