In particular, strength athletes, it’s easy not just to hold out without the appropriate equipment in your own four walls with Exercises in a good mood.

The Training can also be without the heavy iron is extremely effective, shows capital coach Erik hunter on our Instagram channel.

Strong with your own body weight

For the crisp Bodyweight-Workout he has put together five intense Exercises, especially on the legs and the buttocks as well as the lateral abdominal muscles are targeting.

For the training session, you only need an exercise Mat as well as a stable contrast such as the bed or Sofa, so it is ideal for all the people who have no large Gym equipment at home.

Erik recommends to take within a Workouts three to five passages and to repeat each round of the Exercises, each 15 to 20 Times – so your muscle strands are guaranteed to receive good stimuli.

The Training is thus pulled afloat by. What are you waiting for? Bring your muscles now neat to the Burn!

1. For support with leg lift

In the case of the since support it is an Exercise that requires your body a lot – your muscles need to be kept, namely a permanent high voltage.

At the beginning of the Workouts, the additional advantage that all your muscle strands are not fortified, but at the same time to be warmed up.

  • Position yourself in a lateral position. Your body center is located, however, in the air, your weight is on the left forearm and the left lower leg.
  • Lifting and lowering is controlled in this Position, the right leg.
  • Caution: Even at the lowest point of the right foot should not touch the ground.

To get the most out of this Exercise, also make sure to keep the center of the body during the execution of stable and the belly muscles are actively flexing.

2. Bulgarian Split Squat

Go with a Exercise that targets all the Muscle fibers in your legs. Grab a stable, approximately knee-high object.

  • Turn with your back to the object and position your right foot on it, the left foot is about a step forward.
  • Flexion in a controlled manner, now the left knee and sink your body. And raise you with the power of your left leg again.
  • Important: Even at the lowest Position your right knee should not touch the ground, but just above it are.

Make sure that during the execution, keep your torso as upright as possible to. The centre of the body should be stable and tense.

After 15 to 20 repetitions, it says: page exchange. Now the other leg’s turn.

3. Spider Support

Like for support, it is also in the high Plank is an Exercise that many muscle strands makes your body work at the same time.

  • Starting position, the upright is a support position, and the high Plank Deck. The arms should be positioned shoulder width and the head is held in extension of the spine.
  • The right knee pull in this Position to your right elbow.
  • Return to the starting position – which was already a repetition.

Tip: If you breathe out during the merging process, you can tense your abdominal muscles even better. And the execution don’t forget, after the first sentence on the left side.

4. Balance

The next Exercise not only strengthens your muscles but will also improve your sense of balance: Lots of fun at the stand scale.

  • Start in the upright position, your weight is stored only on the left leg. Lift the right leg stretched out straight to the rear.
  • Cant it simultaneously with your upper body forward and stretch both arms forward. Torso, ausgetrecktes leg and arms should form a Straight line.
  • After you have held this Position briefly, return to an upright position and pull your right leg angled to the front.

Once you have this sequence of Movement 15 to 20 Times, the other side of the row.

5. Squat Jumps

The last Exercise of the workout aims to once again entirely on your legs, drives, thanks to the jumps, but also your heart rate properly to the top – less fat-burning Bonus.

  • Start in the upright position: The legs approximately shoulder-width apart, the toes pointing just slightly outwards, the hands are held in front of the chest.
  • Perform the Squat by going as far in the knees, until your legs form approximately a 90-degree angle.
  • Pullin ‘ you out of this Position, with both legs powerfully from the ground. Take when both arms swing jump and full down.
  • The land then, a soft and controlled and from the sink directly into the next Squat.

Even if it is the last Exercise and your muscles may already be in front of effort quake: make sure you have a clean design and focus on the muscle strands, which you now feel.

Due to this Muscle-Mind Connection, the stimuli to meet the desired Region and provide ideal results.

A Lot Of Fun!

Cornelia Bertram

*The contribution of “Even without Weights, effective: Intense Bodyweight Workout from the capital, coach,” published by FitForFun. Contact with the executives here.