Although the Anti-Baby pill has for some time been strong in criticism, and particularly young women choose increasingly against hormonal contraception, the pill is still the most commonly used contraceptives.

In a study of the Federal centre for health education on the prevention behavior of adults, 47 percent of all sexually active men and women on the pill as a contraceptive method of choice.

To facilitate the oral ingestion of hormones, works dasMassachusetts Institute of Technology (mit) is a new type of pill that must be swallowed instead of every day, only once in a month.

How does the monthly pill?

The researchers, including gastroenterologists and chemical engineers, have for the month, an innovative medication pill developed form.

It is a small tablet that differs at first glance from the usual pill. Once swallowed, the drug in the stomach by it is formed of six strands, and so in order for a sternfömiges appearance.

This gives the pill a larger volume, so that you can pass the Transition between the stomach and the digestive tract, and so up to three weeks in the stomach remain.

Each strand of the pills-star includes a plurality of gelatin-coated capsules, which begin to dissolve when in contact with the stomach acid slowly. The hormones are gradually released.

Successful effect on pigs demonstrated

First test experiments on pigs have shown that the messengers on the other hand, the month of constant and, therefore, in the blood the same hormone levels as a daily intake.

At the end of the cycle to form the star shape of the pill, so that the small residual can be excreted through the intestines.

Currently, the scientists began tinkering can be reduced, as the formed strands safely and efficiently again. Conceivable Changes in the pH value or the temperature.

Giovanni Traverso, a gastroenterologist and one of the authors of the study, hopes that the product can be tested in three to five years on people.

Less unwanted pregnancies

The pill has a Pearl Index of 0.1 to 0.9, that is, in the case of continuous intake of the preparation in a period of one year, nevertheless, one to nine in a thousand woman unintentionally gets pregnant.

The most common reason the Forget taking is simply. This risk could be reduced by a monthly revenue significantly.

Finally, many women easier to swallow the contraceptive once a month, to remind yourself of it every day.

Improving global health?

In developing countries, where due to the lack of contraceptives überdurschnittlich often unwanted pregnancies, the scientists see a great Potential for the monthly pill.

“A monthly Version of the Contraceptive could have an enormous impact on global health and gender equality,” says Amey Kirtane from the Institute for integrative cancer research at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology.


  • Massachusetts Institute of Technology (2019): Monthly birth control pill could replace daily doses, retrieved on 05.12.2019.
  • Federal centre for health education (2019): New BZgA-study data: for the prevention of behavior of adults, retrieved on 05.12.2019.

Laura Hindelang

*The contribution of “Anti-Baby-pill, which Replaced the monthly pill soon to take a daily dose?” is published by FitForFun. Contact with the executives here.