
Yoga postures, or asanas, build endurance in every large muscle group but strength is not the main focus. A rule of thumb is that yoga is more about how you feel and pilates about how you look. 4/5

Unlike yoga, pilates uses resistance and weights to build strength and places more emphasis on physical conditioning. It works all the muscle groups resulting in a leaner, stronger body. 5/5


Yoga is unsurpassed in enhancing flexibility and increasing range of joint motion. In a study from the University of Wisconsin, eight weeks of yoga practice improved flexibility by 13-35%. 5/5

Pilates offers a different approach compared with yoga. Rather than stretching to improve flexibility, it focuses on why a certain muscle is tight and tries to solve the problem. 4/5

Abs of steel

While yoga does work the abs and core muscles, this isn’t by any means a primary focus. Work in this area is much less demanding and painstaking in yoga. 3/5

Nothing forms and flattens a tummy like Pilates: it has a unique focus on core muscles in the trunk and pelvis, and is one of the best ways to build core strength, says the American Council on Exercise. 5/5

Mental wellbeing

Spiritual wellbeing is integral to yoga. The physical practice gives the body a feeling of balance and wellbeing, while breathing techniques enhance inner focus and relaxation. 5/5

Pilates is considered a mind-body exercise and so requires concentration, which can distract you from daily worries, but wellbeing isn’t such a focus as it is in yoga. 3/5

Back pain

Yoga improves spinal flexibility and strength. However, certain postures will be unsuitable – for example, deep forward bends should be avoided after a slipped disc. 3/5

With its focus on the core, Pilates is very good for supporting and strengthening the back. Research in Canada found it valuable in alleviating non-specific lower-back pain. 5/5

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