Tightness of the neck and shoulders are a problem, said Mr Fatica. He continued: “It is a sign that these muscles are having to work harder than they should be.”

Mr Fatica elaborated: “Typically, this will be because the head is protruding forwards.”

This extra “load” may not cause other health conditions, but it could be associated with recurrent headaches and migraines.

“One of the challenges for the human body is that we are not designed to be static for extended periods day in and day out,” said Mr Fatica.

“With this in mind, one of the most effective strategies you can employ to help your posture and your back, as well as a number of other areas, is to move and fidget.

“During your day, change positions, move around, take breaks, try to take phone calls standing.

“Or, where possible, adjust how your body is being used, and where the stress is being placed.”

Mr Fatica said: “This single change will help you alleviate the cumulative effects of bad posture by eliminating the likelihood of bad slumping postures creeping into your daily life.”

A big fan of standing desks, Mr Fatica recommends using one if you can.

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If not, Mr Fatica has five key recommendations:

  • Make sure you’re sitting on your sitting bones instead of your tailbone.
  • Place a small rolled towel to support the low back curve – about two to three inches in diameter
  • Do the chest pop, whereby you imagine the bottom of your breastbone is being pulled up and forwards, as your shoulders relax down and back. You will feel your back muscles engage here.
  • Make sure your head is aligned above your shoulders and your eyes looking directly forward, not down.
  • Adjust your screen height to make this “good” position work for you.

Mr Fatica added: “You might find adopting some of these new positions a strain on your musculature and that is OK.

“Slowly you will find that your body adapts to this new position, reaping all the benefits.

“To help this process along and further reduce the likelihood of injury or health problems in general, engaging in some regular resistance training can make the world of difference.”

The NHS suggests everybody engages in resistance training at least twice weekly.

Do make it a priority to set up a posture-friendly workspace, otherwise, you could develop stiffness and headaches.

Mr Michael Fatica is the Consultant Osteopath from Back in Shape – an online, rehabilitation programme to help those with back pain.

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