Men’s Health/Eric Rosati

Traveling for work or pleasure during the summer can be tough on your workout routine. You’re not just busier than usual and less motivated to get moving—you might have trouble finding a proper place to keep up with your exercise plan, too. How many times have you checked into a hotel that promised a full “fitness center,” only to find a sad little room with a single (broken) weight machine and an outdated treadmill?

If you’re willing to adjust on the fly, you can still make use of that space, or anywhere else, for that matter. This bodyweight routine from trainer Charlee Atkins, C.S.C.S. gives you a chance to get a sweat in wherever you are.

“When it comes to on-the-go and travel workouts, I like to program the most #basic exercises because I know they’re effective and my clients have done them with me 1000 times, so they don’t need “direction” to get moving,” says Atkins. “Creating a smart training program is all about how you stack the workouts together to get the biggest bang for your buck, which in the case of travel, is time.”

In order to make the time you’re sacrificing from your travels as efficient as possible, Atkins recommends an EMOM (Every Minute on the Minute) protocol. That means you’ll set a timer for a predetermined period, then perform a list of exercises in order. Once you’re done with the reps, you can rest—until the next minute starts. Then you do it again, until the timer rings.

“EMOMs are an excellent training tool that combines cardio and strength,” says Atkins. “They’re especially perfect for traveling because they keep you committed to the time and encourage you to move through the exercises quickly and efficiently.”

This 7-move EMOM workout is a quick way to hit every muscle in your body. All you need is yourself, a timer, and the motivation to get moving on the road.

Perform the prescribed reps of each exercise in order. Rest until the next minute starts.

10 reps

30 reps

15 reps

15 reps

30 reps

20 reps

Atkins suggests taking on 3 to 5 rounds total, so you’re not working long—you’re working hard. If you have trouble finishing the series in under a minute in the first round, cut down the reps by 5 for each exercise. Want to learn more moves from Atkins? Check out our series full of her workout tips, Try Her Move.

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