The momentum behind a move to plant-based and vegan diets
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When you spot 1 driving hazard, you may be missing another
When people notice one traffic hazard, they are less likely
Read moreBiology of leptin, the hunger hormone, revealed
In a new study, Yale researchers offer insight into leptin,
Read moreWhen does clean eating become an unhealthy obsession? New findings on who is at risk for orthorexia nervosa
Researchers at York University’s Faculty of Health say those who
Read moreInvestigational obesity drug, oxytocin, weakens brain’s reward signals for food
The hormone oxytocin reduces the communication between different brain areas
Read moreFor migraine sufferers with obesity, losing weight can decrease headaches
For migraine sufferers with obesity, losing weight can decrease headaches
Read moreWeight loss can be boosted fivefold thanks to novel mental imagery technique
Overweight people who used a new motivational intervention called Functional
Read moreDiet has bigger impact on emotional well-being in women than in men
Women may need a more nutrient-rich diet to support a
Read moreResearchers identify brain area linked to motivational disruptions in binge eating
Scientists at Rutgers Brain Health Institute have discovered that a
Read moreTeenagers can thank their parents’ positive attitude for avoiding obesity
Teenagers are less likely to be overweight if their mum
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