Approximately 800,000 people per year. A study from Bavaria shows that Suicidal people give to their environment often evidence of a planned suicide relatives do not know, but often deal with this and feel helpless.
Annually health organization (WHO) to take the world approximately 800,000 people in the world, the life. Every 40 seconds a person die in this way. This suicide am one of the most common forms of death, notified to WHO for today’s world suicide prevention day.
Prevention is one of the important objectives of the WHO. Although the number of countries with appropriate prevention programs had increased in the past 5 years and is now 38, but still in many countries there are no appropriate services for vulnerable people, criticized the WHO.
Editors ‘ note: We have decided in this case to report on suicide. Unfortunately, it can happen that depressed-assessed people to see Reports of this kind of view reinforces that life had little meaning. It should happen to you, please contact pastoral care of immediately the phone. Help you will find free Hotlines such as 0800-1110111 or 0800-3344533.
WHO is calling for more prevention programs
"Suicides are preventable. We call on all States, proven strategies to prevent suicide in their national health and education programs einzubeziehen", requested the WHO Director General, Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus.
This included, for example, impeding access to chemical agents such as pesticides, with the help of many people committed suicide. Significantly, it was also to strengthen young people against the Stress and to identify suicidal persons in a timely manner and to take care of in the long term.
In Germany, the well-9200 people died in the year 2017, according to the Federal statistical office, by suicide.
Often, the environment feels helpless
In spite of suicide-announcements of the environment does not interfere in many cases, in a timely manner. This was the result of a recently published analysis of the district of Kempten hospital. Overall, the Doctors and scientists evaluated more than 600 files on suicides in the allgäu Region. In almost half of the cases examined, there was previously evidence of a suicide.
"From the files you can directly often, but mostly between the lines, a helplessness in the environment herauslesen", it is in the investigation of the suicide cases from 2001 to 2009 were analyzed. "The relatives, friends, colleagues, etc. simply did not know how to deal with it, or where professional help could get."
It was a preventive aid to research activities. "We need to verstehen" suicidal people better;, Peter Brieger, who as a former medical Director of the district hospital of Kempten, the analysis prompted. Somatic diseases were the allgäu study found that 26 percent of the main reason of suicides. Depression came with 23 percent in second place. In 15 percent of cases, problems in Partnership, were the subject.
Men are affected more often
In any state, the absolute number of suicides is so high as in Bavaria. According to data from the Federal Statistical office, a total of 1597 people took part in the year 2017 in the state of life, or 85 more than in the most populous state of North Rhine-Westphalia. Nationally, the number of suicides in 2017 was 9241. In Germany, more people die each year by suicide than by traffic accidents, acts of violence and illegal drugs.
Both in Bavaria as well as throughout the country, the majority of victims is male. 1226 men who want to be in 2017, in Bavaria, Umbra, are 371 women. The highest risk group were the Years of the 50 – to 55 -. In this age class 188 people brought to the – 48 women and 140 men.
The suicide rate was on average in the Alpine space higher, said Brieger. Tradition, different cohesion of the society and the less the psychotherapist could also play a role as a "rugged Lebensalltag". For a detailed explanation also, professionals do not have. Ultimately, the reasons for suicide are a complex Interplay of several factors, said Brieger. To focus purely on the regional outlier, is not a good idea.
The suicide rate in Bavaria is on the decline
The Numbers are on the decline. 2016 1738 people killed is still, in 2015, around 1800 people. In by far the largest number (1082), was at the time, according to the Bavarian police statistics "Disease, melancholy, or Nervenleiden" before. 84 people killed, therefore, because of family disputes, 71 from a disappointment in Love, 44 due to economic hardship, 17 out of fear of punishment, and in 11 cases drugs were still problems. In about 500 cases there was no apparent reason.
In the past 40 years, the suicide rate was despite a growing population more than halved, said Brieger. "This was due to better care, better education, and better AIDS to reduce the stigma of mental illness, better crisis concepts." An example is the psychiatric crisis service in Bavaria: a Hotline Affected in emotional crisis can get immediate help and qualified advice.
290.000 alcohol-related deaths per year – WHO: "Europeans drink a lot of Alkohol"
FOCUS Online 290.000 alcohol-related deaths per year – WHO: “Europeans drink too much alcohol”