The egg producer sun dorfer calls for several eggs products, the goods arrived in Bavaria in the sale. In the case of a test were identified in each of the articles in Salmonella.
Although there is currently no evidence that Salmonella-infected products could also be in the trade. For reasons of “preventive consumer protection”, have chosen sun dorfer, nevertheless, to a recall, it said in a statement.
Affected are the following products:
- Sun villages Soil conservation 10
- Sun dorfer Körndl eggs 10
- The small Fine of 10
- Sun dorfer XL eggs 6
- Sun dorfer eggs for Breakfast 6
- and Rewe Regional 6
The affected eggs are with the minimum durability date 22.07.19 with the Printnr. 2-DE-0910891 and 2-DE0910892 marked.
In the message of the manufacturer-stated further in the text: "In the case of the above-mentioned articles were identified in the context of a we have carried out quality control of Salmonella. According to our current state of knowledge, it is a one-time contamination of a single Batch.
According to the Robert Koch Institute, a Salmonella illness within a few days after the infection manifests itself with diarrhea, abdominal pain and occasional vomiting, and mild fever. The discomfort will generally disappear after several days. In particular, infants, young children, the elderly, and people with a weakened immune system may develop more severe disease courses.
People who have eaten this food and severe or persistent symptoms develop, should seek medical help and to a possible Salmonella infection point. To go without Symptoms, preventive medical treatment, is not useful. The company reacted immediately and the affected eggs travelled from the sale take. Customers who have purchased the corresponding product may provide for a refund of the purchase price, of course, without submission of receipts to your shopping sites."
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