Among young people in Germany every eighth case of death goes back to a suicide. The reasons for this are highly variable, a recent study now shows, however, that the school could play a role: The likelihood of suicide is increased, especially in the first two school days after the end of the holiday.
Approximately 10 million children and adolescents between the ages of 6 and 19 years, 221 per year, on average, the life. "In relation to the large number of persons suicides among young people are, fortunately, relatively rare. The increase in the rate of suicide after the holidays, suggests that there is some link between the school and mental health crises of young people besteht", the author of the Study, Dörte Heger, health economist at the RWI &ndash says; Leibniz-Institute for economic research. However, the study does not show whether the problems with classmates, problems in the classroom or in the school environment.
According to the study, the suicide rate among young people in the first two school days of increases after the holidays to 30 percent. For boys, this relationship appeared more pronounced than for girls. During the holidays, the probability of a suicide, however, is lower, Statistically, it comes within eight days of their holiday in Germany, a suicide case less than within eight school days.
Heger argues that it makes sense that parents and teachers take the mental Constitution of the pupil, and the dangers of bullying and school stress even more strongly in the view, in particular, in the first days after the holidays. In addition, targeted prevention could be used programs, and information on special services for children and young people, such as the "Number against Kummer" (free phone no. 116 111) are given. For the study, the RWI evaluated data from the German statistics of causes of Death for the years 2001 to 2015.