Diarrhea, abdominal pain, flatulence, cramps: Many people suffer from chronic digestive complaints and receive the diagnosis of irritable bowel syndrome. Often, it is difficult to find a doctor who specializes in this disease. Here are the German irritable bowel help self-help e. V.
According to data from the health insurance company Barmer irritable bowel syndrome is a common ailment: estimating suffering way, 17 percent of German including. So far, however, there is no official designation for Doctors who are specialized in a Central public register. Enable patients to find quickly the right doctor, helping the German irritable bowel self-help e. V. in the search: "We give our members the contact to a designated irritable bowel syndrome specialists in their local area”, says Gerd Müller, Chairman of the German irritable bowel self-help. In addition, the Association offers a weekly phone-in office hours for those Affected.
25. Up to 29. November, the club offers also a free consulting week on the topic of "Irritable bowel is not but ‘only’ the Psyche to blame?" to. During this time, Affected four physicians by E-Mail (experten@reizdarmselbsthilfe.de) and phone. The phone numbers of the Doctors Concerned be found on the website of the German irritable bowel self-help.
Because irritable bowel syndrome makes various complaints noticeable, must be tailored to the therapy by treating Physicians for individual patients. "Although irritable bowel syndrome is regarded as a national disease, has made scientific research has, as yet, no standard therapy to find,” explains Müller. Therefore, a multi-modal therapy has become an established concept in the in addition to relaxation techniques, a change in Diet and manual therapies, herbal medicines also used for long-term use suitable.
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