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According to consultant endocrinologist Dr Mark Vanderpump warned, type 2 diabetes is becoming more common due to increasingly unhealthy diets and more sedentary lifestyles resulting in increased weight of the population.

Type 2 diabetes develops due to the resistance to the action of the hormone insulin in the liver, explained the expert.

There may also be a defective production of insulin from the pancreas.

Dr Vanderpump said: “In the early stages, type 2 diabetes is without symptoms and is usually found on a routine blood test.

“It can have a long duration prior to the diagnosis and is associated with features of metabolic syndrome.”

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Metabolic syndrome refers to the trilogy of raised blood pressure and cholesterol, as well as “central obesity”.

Any waist measurement of 34 inches or more, in women, is indicative of central obesity; for men, it’s a measurement of 40 inches and more.

Dr Vanderpump added: “Later, typical symptoms develop including excessive production and passing of urine, thirst, thrush, lethargy, blurred vision and weight loss.”

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There are huge health consequences associated with uncontrolled high blood sugar levels.

Dr Vanderpump warned that poorly controlled diabetes can lead to:

  • Vision problems
  • Nerve issues
  • Kidney damage
  • Heart attacks
  • Strokes.

“People with diabetes are more likely to be admitted to hospital and experience prolonged stays in hospital,” said Dr Vanderpump.

“Diabetes has implications for future ability to work, increase in care requirements and reduced life expectancy.”

Dr Vanderpump added: “As type 2 diabetes may have been present for up to five years prior to its presentation, complications may be present at diagnosis.

“Therefore, earlier diagnosis and optimal treatment can help avoid or at least delay complications.”

People are encouraged to attend regular health screenings, such as the NHS Health Check from the age of 40.

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