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Alzhiemer’s affects one in 14 people aged 65 or over in the UK, but it can be easily prevented with a few simple lifestyle changes. A healthy diet and regular exercise are key to keeping the heart healthy to lower the risk of dementia. While it’s no secret that fresh fruit offers many health benefits, which variety is the best when it comes to protecting against Alzheimer’s disease?

How does the Mediterranean diet lower the risk of Alzheimer’s?

There are many different types of diet which can reduce the risk of cardiovascular disease such as heart disease, stroke and dementia.

According to medical website Healthline, the Mediterranean diet is just one of the most effective to limit the likelihood of developing a form of dementia.

Filling up on Mediterranean-style foods, like oily fish and fresh fruit, has been proven to ‘cleanse the brain’ in a study which was conducted earlier this year in the US. It claimed the whole-food diet works to rid the brain of the protein buildup associated with memory loss and dementia.

While most fresh fruits are encouraged on the Mediterranean diet, there are a few dementia-fighting foods which prove more effective than others.

Which fruit is best to fight Alzheimer’s?

Consuming a healthy diet packed with fresh fruit and vegetables is key to maintaining good overall health and keeping your heart healthy.

The Mediterranean diet is a simple lifestyle to follow and encourages the consumption of:

  • Apples
  • Bananas
  • Oranges
  • Pears
  • Strawberries
  • Grapes
  • Dates
  • Figs
  • Melons
  • Peaches

Foods rich in flavonoids, like apples, have been linked to a reduced risk of dementia by slowing the brain’s ageing process.

While an apple or two a day could reduce your risk of Alzheimer’s, there is one particular group which has come out on top.

Berries to reduce Alzheimer’s

Berries are packed with antioxidants and essential vitamins, which the body needs to perform basic bodily functions.

Not only do these sweet and colourful fruits taste delicious, but they can even reduce your risk of developing Alzheimer’s and other forms of dementia.

According to medically reviewed website Very Well Health, studies have shown that summer berries like strawberries and blueberries offer multiple memory-boosting benefits in children as young as eight to 10 years old.

The effectiveness of berries in reducing the risk of dementia has been found by scientists to be sustained right through to adulthood, making it an effective food group at fighting this life-changing disease.

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One study published in 2013 found that participants who consumed a greater amount of berries experienced a slower cognitive decline than those who ate less.

This was proven over a number of years, and included participants of different ages.

Just like apples, most berries contain a flavonoid known as anthocyanin, which slows the progression of brain damage.

The following berries have been proven to reduce the risk of Alzheimer’s, based on their concentration of anthocyanins:

  • Raspberries
  • Blueberries
  • Cherries

How flavonoids fight dementia

Flavonoids have proven to be the most powerful ingredient when it comes to fighting dementia with fruit.

In one report published by Harvard Health, scientists found that that after 20 years, people who had a higher flavonoid intake were around 40 percent less likely to develop dementia, compared with people with the lowest intake.

A high intake is measured at around 7.5 cups of blueberries and eight apples or pears.

The most flavonoid-rich foods include:

  • Blueberries
  • Strawberries
  • Pears
  • Apples
  • Tea

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