Acne sufferer, 25, whose skin was so bad strangers called her a ‘spotty freak’ says CANNABIS oil finally banished her spots after 8 years of problem skin
- Emily McClarron, from Rayleigh in Essex, suffered for acne since she was 17
- Her skin became so red and spotty people used to call her ‘pizza face’
- After years of trying medicine and home remedies she turned to CBD oil
- The herbal therapy cannabidiol is legal and derived from the cannabis plant
- Her spots have cleared up and she now sells the CBD oil capsules across the UK
A woman who suffered for eight years with such bad acne she says people called her a ‘spotty freak’ has banished her blemishes by taking the cannabis extract, CBD oil.
Emily McClarron, from Rayleigh in Essex, was at her wits’ end after trying various medicines and home remedies but failing to find anything that helped.
She became so upset about her appearance she didn’t want to be seen in public and turned down trips to the pub and meals out with her boyfriend.
But since starting CBD oil capsules – a legal herbal remedy made from the marijuana plant – she says the sore, red spots have calmed down and she’s taken her life back.
Miss McClarron is now comfortable enough to go out in public without make-up and said: ‘There may not be many scientific studies on it, but it’s certainly worked for me.’
So convinced by how well they work, she has begun her own business selling the capsules to other people across the UK.
Emily McClarron, 25, had such severe acne she says people called her ‘pizza face’ and a ‘spotty freak’, and she suffered with the embarrassing skin condition for eight years
Cruelly dubbed ‘pizza face’ and ‘a spotty freak’ during her battle with severe acne, Miss McClarron had become so self-conscious she didn’t want to leave the house.
When persistent, angry spots first erupted on her cheeks and chin at 17, she began a tireless trawl through every skin treatment she could find.
‘It was awful,’ she said. ‘I tried everything, but nothing seemed to help.
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‘I’d try and cover up the spots with make-up and just felt so down and depressed about how I looked. All I would see when I looked in the mirror was the acne.’
Back and forth to her doctor over the years Miss McClarron, who works as a stock controller, was prescribed everything from antibiotics to gels in a bid to reduce her livid red skin, but nothing worked.
After years of trying everything from antibiotics to homemade face washes, she started taking CBD oil capsules.
Cannabidiol, shortened to CBD, is a legal herbal remedy made from the cannabis and does not contain the outlawed ingredient which makes people high, THC.
Miss McClarron said: ‘The cannabis capsules make me feel more relaxed and stress was a huge trigger for my skin-breakouts.
Miss McClarron, pictured recently with her partner of nine years, Connor Lepine, 27, says CBD oil capsules have cleared up her skin so well she now feels confident enough to go out without make-up on, after her past skin problems had made her too anxious to go out
Government advisers made it legal to buy CBD in 2016
Government advisers made it legal to buy cannabidiol (CBD) oil in 2016 after they admitted that it has a ‘restoring, correcting or modifying’ effect on humans.
However, the oil’s legal status has confused thousands across England and Wales, after the MHRA back-tracked on its position just weeks after.
Suppliers now have to obtain a licence to sell it as a medicine, following the decision in October two years ago – but some weave the strict rules.
Manufacturers are able to avoid regulation by selling it as a food supplement – ignoring the lengthy process of gaining a medicinal licence.
It comes in many forms, the most popular being an oil – which users spray under their tongue – or gel tablets which melt slowly in the mouth.
However, cannabis oil, which contains THC – the compound that gives users a ‘high’ – is illegal under UK laws.
But Billy Caldwell, from Castlederg, Northern Ireland, made headlines last April when he became the first Briton to be prescribed it on the NHS.
Cannabis oil, which reportedly has no side effects, influences the release and uptake of ‘feel good’ chemicals such as dopamine and serotonin.
‘I read online that cannabis oil can help relieve inflammation, provide pain relief and reduce anxiety.
‘There may not be many conclusive scientific studies on it, but it’s certainly worked for me.’
The successful CBD oil treatment came as a huge relief for Miss McClarron, who has been dating plasterer Connor Lepine, 27, for nine years, after she was struggling to see results from other therapies and the condition was affecting her social life.
‘I had bad reactions to everything,’ she said. ‘I had a rash all over my body and my face swelled up like I had been stung by a wasp.
‘With one gel I even felt like the top layer of skin had burnt off.
‘I begged my doctor to refer me to a dermatologist, hoping they would be able to suggest something else.
‘I was at my wits’ end. My skin was so bad, strangers asked me “What’s wrong with your skin?”, called me a “spotty freak” and “pizza face” which hurt a lot.’
Miss McClarron suffered with acne for eight years after first developing the painful red spots when she was 17 – she tried various antibiotics and skin treatments but nothing worked for her
The stock controller from Rayleigh, Essex, turned down the powerful anti-acne drug Roaccutane because it can cause depression and she was already unhappy because of her skin
Finally referred to a specialist earlier this year, after eight years of suffering, Miss McClarron was offered the powerful acne drug Roaccutane.
‘I knew I didn’t want the drug as, even though it works for a lot of people, it does come with a lot of bad side-effect warnings, including depression and mood changes,’ she explained.
CBD – cannabidiol – is a concentrated extract of the cannabis plant which usually comes in oil form.
It doesn’t contain the chemical known as THC, which is what gives people a high and makes cannabis illegal in the UK.
CBD isn’t known to cause psychoactive effects so is attractive to people who believe there are other benefits to cannabis.
Although not much scientific research has been done, people use the oil because they believe it helps conditions such as acne, pain, Alzheimer’s disease and cancer, and for apparent benefits to learning and memory.
Cannabis-based drugs have also shown promise in treating epilepsy.
In 2016, Forbes reported CBD products are expected to be a $2.2 billion (£1.6bn) industry by 2020.
Source: Live Science
‘I was already really down, because of my skin and didn’t want to risk feeling any worse.’
Both her mental health and her social life suffered because of her acne.
Miss McClarron continued: ‘My fella would ask me to go out to the pub, or for dinner, but I wouldn’t want to leave the house.
‘My anxiety got worse, as I was so insecure about how I looked. Connor would tell me I looked gorgeous, but I didn’t believe it.’
Feeling helpless, she turned to her kitchen cupboard and started making her own skin care products.
‘I didn’t want to put a really strong drug into my body, but didn’t know what else to do,’ she said.
‘So, I started researching how to treat acne online and read that honey and turmeric can help.
‘I was honestly at the point where I would have tried anything.’
Mixing the two ingredients together, Miss McClarron started using her concoction as a face mask, then making a face wash from honey, jojoba oil, evening primrose oil and lavender oil.
Noticing a change in her skin, but not a transformation, three months ago she discovered cannabis capsules and began taking one 10mg tablet every day.
Containing CBD oil, which does not make people high and is legal, she started to notice her stress levels – a trigger for her acne – plummet.
After trying to make her own homemade face masks, Miss McClarron (pictured with Mr Lepine) started taking one 10mg CBD capsule each day and quickly saw an improvement in her complexion
Miss McClarron said the CBD hasn’t cured her but has got her acne totally under control, and she is so convinced of its benefits she has begun selling the capsules to others online
She continued: ‘Since I started taking the capsules, combined with homemade skin products, people have told me how amazing my skin looks.
‘When I tell them it’s down to cannabis capsules they ask if it’s legal, which of course it is.
‘Before this, if I was feeling anxious, I’d have a really bad break-out if but the tablets have made me feel much calmer so I am not getting the terrible acne I was.
‘The cannabis hasn’t cured me, but it has helped take control of my severe acne once and for all.’
Now Miss McClarron is even looking into selling her homemade skin products to help others, and already sells cannabis oil capsules across the UK.
She said: ‘Now my skin is 99 per cent better.
‘I still have some scarring, but now I have been able to have treatment to help them, and even finally feel confident to go out without make-up on, which I never did before.
‘I have got to the point where I don’t care what people think, I feel so happy with the way I am.’
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