Kate Beckinsale works out five to six days a week, as she shares in her cover story interview for the latest issue of Women’s Health. “I wake up, eat something, and go straight to the gym,” she says. “Then, if I’m going to do cardio I’ll do it later on in the day.“
Celebrity trainer Gunnar Peterson is the genius behind the routines that got Kate those abs, even at 46 (and he also works with stars like Khloe Kardashian and J-Lo).
He says Kate does fast-paced, total-body exercises with an emphasis on her core.
For a workout similar to Kate Beckinsale’s, Peterson offers up this at-home routine. He recommends doing it a few times a week for optimal results.
In order to get the most out of the exercises, he suggests staying tuned in to your workout (sorry, not a great time to turn on Netflix in the background).”Don’t drift off and just go through the motions,” he says. You need focus to do the moves with correct form (which is what’ll score you the best results).
Time: 15 minutes
Equipment: Mat, dumbbells (optional)
Good for: Total body
Instructions: For each move, complete three sets of the indicated number of reps, resting for 30 seconds between sets. Then continue immediately to the next exercise (no rest between moves) until you’ve completed all five exercises.
1. Bodyweight Squat
How to: For the first set, start with feet shoulder-width apart and arms by sides. Sit hips back and lower down until thighs are parallel to the floor, bringing hands together in front of chest. Rise back up to start position. That’s one rep. Complete three sets of 15 reps, resting for 30 seconds between sets and moving feet slightly wider for each set. Continue on to the next move with no rest in between exercises.
2. Twisting Shoulder Press
How to: Start standing with feet mat-width apart, hips facing forward and arms bent so elbows are near ribcage and hands are at shoulder height with palms facing each other (option to hold a pair of dumbbells to make the move more challenging). Rotate torso to right side, pivoting on ball of left foot to turn left toes slightly toward right foot, as you lift arms straight up overhead, bringing biceps by ears to frame face. Return to start. That’s one rep. Repeat the move, rotating torso to the left side this time. Complete three sets of 16 reps, alternating sides as you go. Rest for 30 seconds between sets, then continue on to the next move with no rest in between exercises.
3. Superman
How to: Start lying face-down on the floor with arms and legs straight, shoulder-width apart, and resting on mat. Lift all four limbs, plus chest, to hover off the floor and hold for one breath. Keep gaze on the ground a few inches in front of you, neck relaxed. Return to start position. That’s one rep. Complete three sets of 12 reps, resting for 30 seconds between sets and moving arms and legs slightly wider for each set. Continue on to the next move with no rest in between exercises.
4. Pushup With Shoulder Tap
How to: Start in plank position. Bend elbows and lower down until arms form 90-degree angles. Press back to start. At the top of the pushup, touch right hand to left shoulder. Repeat on the other side. That’s one rep. Complete three sets of 12, resting for 30 seconds between sets. Then continue to the next move with no rest in between exercises.
5. Bicycle Crunches
How to: Start lying down on back with hands behind head, shoulder blades off the mat, legs lifted and bent at 90 degrees, shins parallel to floor. Engage abs and rotate right elbow toward left knee as you extend right leg to straight, hovering it a few inches off floor. Return to start and repeat on the other side. That’s one rep. Complete 30 reps, alternating sides as you go. Rest for 30 seconds. On the second set, complete 40 reps, then rest for 30 seconds. On the third set, complete 50 reps.
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