Non-specific complaints in the case of a heart attack recognize

Heart attack in Germany is still the most common cause of death. Many heart attack deaths are preventable, if the person comes at an opportune time in treatment. Therefore, it is very important that the symptoms are correctly interpreted, because it is not always a heavy chest points to the pain on an attack. A chief doctor of the cardiology clarifies less well-known symptoms that can indicate an acute myocardial infarction.

“For women as for men: do not Hesitate in a heart attack or acute chest pain to the emergency call 112, you risk your life,” warns the German heart Foundation. Any delay will increase the risk that a sudden heart occurs flicker. The result: The Affected pass out and a few minutes later, the sudden cardiac death occurs. Also, a larger part of the heart muscle is irreparably could be destroyed by a long Hesitation. The patients develop weakness in the case of a non-curable heart. “At the heart attack, every Minute counts, therefore,” emphasizes the heart Foundation.

Older women hesitate the longest with the emergency

According to the “MEDEA study” of the German centre for cardiovascular research (DZHK), in particular, women over the age of 65 for a particularly long time with the emergency call. In this age group for four and a half hours it takes on the average between the infarction and the treatment in the emergency room. In men over age 65 are three and a half hours, and in younger men for three hours, and in women under 65 years, there are two and a half hours.

Why hesitate to older individuals with the distress call?

Heart attack symptoms in older persons, especially in women, often non-specific. “Many heart attack deaths in women could be avoided would be interpreted the heart-attack – symptoms-and so valuable time won”, emphasized Professor Dr. med. Christiane Tiefenbacher, chief doctor of the cardiology Department at the Marien-Hospital, Wesel, in a press release. In particular, the sometimes lack of a strong pain in the chest distract often from the fact that it is a heart attack. To compound the problem, older women live more often alone and in an emergency, no one dare to the rescue for you to call.

Non-specific symptoms of a heart attack recognize

“The Absence of chest pain is an age effect that is also found in men”, according to the heart specialist. The older the heart attack victims are, the more likely the probability that no chest pain occurs. Instead, the older Affected often report:

  • Abdominal pain upper,
  • Nausea and vomiting,
  • Excessive (strong) sweating,
  • Back pain,
  • Shortness of breath,
  • Fatigue.

Heart attack symptoms are often interpreted as an upset stomach

As the Professor reported, are perceived to be the complaints with increasing age, less intense. Strong back pain in the Background, instead, non-specific complaints such as abdominal pain and Nausea occur increasingly in the foreground. “This will not be interpreted by the affected women rarely falsely as a harmless stomach upset,” warns Dr. med. Tiefenbacher. The specialist advises that older people, even with these symptoms, and in the case of suspected heart attack in the ambulance service to call. In addition, there is also the possibility of a home emergency call system to connect, for example, offered by the Malteser service, the knights of St. John, the Arbeiter-Samariter-Bund, or the German Red cross.

Risk factors for heart attack

“Next to Smoking, Diabetes, lipid metabolic disorders, high blood pressure, Obesity, lack of exercise and Stress are the risk factors for a heart attack”, writes the German heart Foundation. In women, the risk for a heart attack increase ten years after Menopause, as until menopause, the coronary vessels by the sex hormone Estrogen is relatively to be well protected.

Take special care with Coronary heart disease

According to the heart specialist, the so-called Coronary heart disease (CHD) is almost always a heart attack. In CHD the coronary arteries, which supply the heart with blood become narrow. Fat and calcium deposits clog it, increasingly, the vessels, until it comes to the closure. “The best protection against a heart attack is, and remains, a healthy lifestyle,” advises the chief doctor. In addition, older persons should need to have regular heart check out and the screening exercise. If a CHD is detected and treated early, could prevent a heart attack in many cases. (vb)