If you’ve seen the trailers for The Shallows, then you know three things about the film already. First, its SCARY. Secondly, Blake Lively spends most of the film wearing little more than a string bikini, and third, she looks incredible – something that’s even more impressive (or, possibly, depressing) given that she gave birth just eight months before shooting began.

But the actress has been refreshingly honest about her preparation for the film, which involved a strict fitness and eating regime.

Her fitness routine involved swimming laps for half an hour at a time, as well as weights, kettle bells and interval training. The actress also revealed that that she cut out all processed food. “I did no gluten and no soy,” she said on Australia’s Kyle and Jackie O Show. “Once you remove soy, you realise you’re eating no processed foods. So that’s basically what I did. No processed foods and then working out.”

“[It] seems like, ‘Oh, that’s really easy to cut that out,’ but then you realise, there’s soy in everything,” she said. “Like, everything you eat, there’s soy in it. Even if it’s healthy, Whole Foods organic stuff, there’s always soy in it.”

“Just try no soy and no gluten and watch how hard that is,” Lively added, before admitting that she had to give the fresh baked goods delivered to The Shallows set every day a wide berth.

“That was the hardest part,” she said. “They were making these fresh muffins every morning—those jack*sses. They smelled so good!”

Given that the actress is pregnant with her second child, we hope she’s managed to squeeze in a few muffins.

This article originally appeared on Marie Claire.

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