The Corona-pandemic keeps the world in suspense: More than 17 million people are infected worldwide with the Coronavirus, 214.577 of them in Germany.

"Not akzeptabel": Criticism from the CDU to free Corona-Tests for returnees

In the CDU’s critique of the free-to-duty tests for travelers returning from Corona-risk areas, according to Germany’s upset. "The effort for self-chosen risks can not werden&quot constantly on the company passed on;, Saxony said-Anhalt’s Prime Minister Reiner Haseloff, the "Spiegel". Temporarily, the scheme is correct, "in order to secure the immediate use by the traveler." For a more permanent solution had to be reflecting on their choices, "for example, if the cost of the Tests on the corresponding flight tickets werden&quot killed;.

Who come from high-risk areas to Germany, must be for this Saturday at the port of entry to the Coronavirus test. The Test is for the Affected until three days after the arrival for free. The Minister of health, Jens Spahn (CDU) had defended the cost of freedom one last time.

Even more so than Haseloff-designate of the Hamburg CDU land chief Christoph Ploß was. "It is not acceptable that the costs for the Tests, all German presses equally up werden", Ploß said the "Spiegel". He also welcomed the test of duty, but called: "Who needs a Test, should also pay for it."

Criticism, there was also the claim of the CDU economic Council, travel in high-risk areas to prohibit, in principle. "I believe that sweeping travel bans for a large intervention in the personal freedom rights of the citizens. The same goal we achieve through a strict and mandatory Testing, and consistent Quarantäneregeln", the Chairman of the CDU/CSU-and medium-sized said – and economic Union (MIT), Carsten Linnemann, the "Spiegel".

For the acceptance in the population, it was "also continue to be very important that we have a good balance between protection against infection, on the one hand and individual freedom on the other Seite", the Union faction Deputy said.

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