One thing that bothers many of us during summertime is the feeling of laziness, fatigue and sleepiness all the time. The Japanese even have a word for it — Natsubate. ‘Natsu’ means summer, and ‘bate’ comes from the word ‘bateru,’ which means having difficulty to move forward because you are so exhausted. So, if you’ve got a case of Natsubate, then read on as Dr Mohsin Wali, former honorary physician to President of India and Dr RK Singhal, senior general physician, explain the reasons behind fatigue in summers and what can be done to deal with it.

Why being in the sun feels tiring

Being in the sun can decrease melatonin production in your body, which is an integral hormone that regulates our mood. Lower levels of melatonin can be one of the reasons behind you feeling low. Your body has to work really hard to keep you cool by sweating, which is also dependent on how big your body is, and the temperature outside. This process drains your body’s energy. To avoid this, protect yourself from the sun, wear sunglasses, carry an umbrella and avoid stepping out during the day time.

A good night’s sleep is difficult to come by

The role of melatonin is also to induce sleep when it gets dark. It’s regulated by sunlight, which indicates our brain to stay awake. In summers, the onset of melatonin gets affected due to longer daytime. Hence, sleep comes to us much late in the night. Turn off the lights, avoid your cell phone or TV and read, so your brain can get the signal that it’s time to sleep.

Dehydration leading to constipation

Sweating leads to loss of water, which further leads to dehydration, constipation and bloating. Always keep yourself hydrated and eat a lot of fruits. Also, in order to keep our bodies cool, and prevent overheating, our digestive acid reduces during summertime. As a result of this, it’s harder for the stomach to digest heavy foods. Hence, eat light and consume a lot of fibre in summer. Opt for fruits like papaya and oranges

Salt loss also makes you feel lazy

Lack of salt or sodium in your body can also affect your energy levels. Loss of salt occurs mainly due to sweating and results in low levels of sodium, which is known as Hyponatraemia. This can cause dizziness, headaches and muscle cramps, especially, if you workout during the summer season. To combat this, drink electrolyte drinks and keep your body hydrated.

Sudden change of temperature

The sudden change in temperature that occurs when you step out from an air-conditioned room to the hot outdoors, is also responsible for making you feel lethargic. Rapid change in temperature can trigger anxiety, which can heat up your body, draining its energy. If you are stepping out from an air-conditioned room, make sure to switch off the AC 5 to 10 minutes prior and acclimatise.

First Published:
Apr 06, 2019 12:59 IST

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