How much protein do we need?

Human body cells are constantly renewed and therefore depend on regular protein intake. However, as the protein is needed? And is it really true that an increased protein intake can help you lose weight?

Protein is a fundamental building block of all living organisms, explains the German nutrition society (DGE). The human body is dependent on the age, on average, to seven up to 13 kg of proteins. They perform a variety of functions including building materials for cells and tissues, enzymes, hormones, antibodies, clotting factors, and transport substances for nutrients. But how much protein do we need?

Important for muscle and immune system

How the non profit Organisation diabetesDE – Deutsche Diabetes-reports-help on their website, is “protein” (= Protein) is part of almost every human and animal cell and is also found in plants. Proteins supply with 400 kcal per 100 grams as much energy as carbohydrates.

Proteins consist of small building blocks called amino acids, and differ in their biological value to each other, explain the experts. Protein is for building muscle, the immune system and the firmness of the skin is important. It is only effective in very large quantities in the blood sugar level and do not flow in normal quantities, the Insulin calculation.

Good Sources Of Protein

The human body needs the individual amino acids (the building blocks of proteins) in different quantities. The more of the necessary amino acids a food contains, the higher is its biological value. Animal proteins are of particularly high quality. However, you can achieve through a clever combination of foods, also vegetable protein such high quality.

A pea soup (protein) with bread (grain), lentils (protein) with rice, or the protein supplier of potatoes and eggs together, according to diabetesDE – German Diabetes help a high protein quality. Legumes such as beans and lentils are very good sources of protein, and at the same time a lot of fiber. They are true “health bombs”. Nuts also provide a lot of protein. Due to their high fat content, it should remain in the amount of one handful per day.

Too much Protein can damage

And how high is the demand for protein is now? According to the DGE, the recommended intake for Protein for adults aged 19 years to 65 years is 0.8 g of Protein/kg of body weight per day. For adults aged 65 years and over, the DGE indicates an estimated value for adequate intake of 1.0 g/kg of body weight per day.

These values are accessible via a well-balanced diet. How diabetesDE – Deutsche Diabetes-writes the help, is the vast opinion that for Muscle maintenance and muscle building mass in protein is eaten, or even protein supplements must be taken, nonsense.

Too much protein can even be dangerous. The Federal centre for nutrition (BZfE) that there is evidence that the extra dose of protein, at least in people with heart disease, Diabetes and Obesity the kidney damage. Those who already have kidney problems should discuss with a doctor, how much protein in the kidneys to cope with.

Enough protein without meat

The protein can meet the demand for it even without meat. Vegetable proteins may be through a clever combination just as valuable as the proteins from meat. Of particular value in combinations with other animal products (milk, eggs) will apply. Less meat is not just good for the health but also the environment.

Protein-rich diet fills you up

At the completion of diabetesDE – German Diabetes aid is concerned with the question of whether it is true, that it decreases with a protein-rich, Low-carb diet better. Protein fills you up and too Much Protein is not converted, unlike carbohydrates into fat.

In addition, a protein-rich diet decreases the muscle breakdown that can occur when a diet, and thus keeps the energy turnover at normal levels, explain the experts. In this respect, a protein-rich diet can contribute to a lighter weight loss.

However, a protein-rich diet at the same time is usually low in carbohydrates (“low carb”), which is particularly important for people with Diabetes is a disadvantage. (ad)

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