Exciting news: Healthcare IT News has expanded its reach to serve an international audience of readers with region-specific newsletters and sections of the website for Europe/UK and Asia Pacific.

Healthcare IT News, in fact, has reporters in those areas and elsewhere to bring our voice to today's most important information and technology trends.

A 2018 Jesse Neal Awards finalist, widely considered the most prestigious business-to-business journalism award, Healthcare IT News has been reporting on the evolution of health IT since 2003 – years before the widespread implementation of electronic health records that established the digital foundation underpinning so many of today's exciting healthcare developments.

From artificial intelligence and big data analytics to patient experience and population health – and just about everything else in between – our writers and editors are continuously producing breaking news, timely features, deep-dive insights and analyses that help executives and IT pros both thrive in their careers and equip clinicians and administrators with tools to improve patient care.

And there's even more than written articles. HIMSSTV, for instance, has already reported from many locations worldwide, most recently in Saudi Arabia, where wearables are being used to collect research data improve health. 

Regardless of geographical location and varying government policies, healthcare everywhere faces the same basic challenges: putting in place the digital infrastructure to serve quickly growing patient populations in the age of consumerism. That requires providers, payers, IT vendors and early-stage startups to be more innovative, and evolve more quickly, than ever before. And to rethink the old ways of delivering care, conducting the business of healthcare, interfacing with patients and collecting data to analyze for insights about almost every aspect of the industry.

Healthcare IT News' sister site, MobiHealthNews, recently made a similar international move and now also has an edition for Europe and the UK.

We'd be interested to know what you think, so drop me a line at [email protected]!  

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