The first week of the new year is done, the Hangover of the new year’s eve night is already forgotten and the good intentions, hopefully, are still in full swing.

As every year, many people healthy projects on the top of the To-Do list: exercise More, eat healthier, in General, more movement.

Wrong approaches Rob the Motivation

All these intentions are very laudable, no question. However, especially for inexperienced beginners, the risk is now high to get bogged down by the wrong Inspiration in a widespread Fitness Trend.

These Trends are often followed by a variety of people, because they are not widely used in the social media and at first glance, promising.

However, often they do not deliver the desired results – no matter how much you also try and clean and seem to be very demotivating.

For all those that can help you some orientation, here are four Fitness Trends, you should chase in 2020.

1. Exercise to burn calories

Sport is a means to an end: The feelings of happiness triggers,relieves Stress, is fun and by the way, you can strengthen the body, define and plump fat fighting.

When Training, it is important not to lose the fun out of the eyes and is only hard on the calories burned – including the Motivation can suffer quickly.

The stresses also the fitness instructor Danielle Cote: “It is important to take into account also all the other mental and physical benefits,” she explains to the Portal ‘health’.

Anyone who relies only on the energy food and drinks rich thinks that will be offset by the movements,””, yourself may in addition, under pressure and on is faster, because simply the fun is missing.

Better: In sports, a balance to the stressful everyday life and the nature of the training, the a pleasure.

2. Every day, give everything

If the Motivation is a fountain out of, if you want to give, of course, at any time, 110 percent. After a strenuous workout, the stressed muscles, however, require a break.

When strength training, you can strain then, of course, other regions of the body, but also to a Split-Training, rest days should not be missing.

“Whoever intercedes with no breaks, risking unnecessary injury,” warns the trainer Rebecca Kennedy. “The body needs rest just as he needs the exercise.”

You overdo it when Training, not only the risk of injuries; also, you sabotaged yourself the positive results of the Workouts.

Because the muscle building is especially in the period of rest after the effort. However it requires a reasonable period for the muscles, lots of water, eating right and, above all, a good night’s sleep.

To lift instead of every day is a hard HIIT Workout, by pulling or heavy Weights, should be in-between are units with lower intensity such as a Deloadtraining with little Weights, Yoga or walks on the Plan.

3. Exercise Challenges make

Especially in the social media this kind of Challenges piling up For a month every day, the Plank, or Squats, run, and then with the days of increase.

The sounds in the first Moment, of course, promising and easy to pull off. But, unfortunately, the desired results will most likely not set.

With the implementation of a single Exercise, you can build neither a large muscle mass, even great amounts of body fat reduce.

But of course, these Challenges are not per se a bad thing – one should not hope for too much.

“These Challenges are wonderful kickstart to boost the performance of a movement, a movement routine to restore or to motivate work colleagues to sit less in the workplace,” explains dieFitness expert Kate Ligler.

“However, if a six pack Abs or a firmer Butt are the goal, you can bend a Plank or knee Challenge, this gap is not closing.”

Instead, you need to his exercise and nutritional habits in General, rethink and adapt.

4. Only A Training

To find a workout that is fun and is great. To focus only on a single specific exercise, is not in the long run, the best fitness strategy.

“The same Training to spend several days in the week is better than not to move, it is a complete approach to overall health and well-being, however, is missing,” explains Kennedy.

Also, you should not let Trends or other people such as friends influence and a Workout just because “it’s just everyone is doing it.”

Because everyone’s body works differently and for every person a different strategy works better. It’s better to own body, sense of trust and to call for calm from time to time, from time to time and go a step further.

Cornelia Bertram

*The post “coach, explain: 4 training approaches, while 2020” is published by FitForFun. Contact with the executives here.