Cancer that starts in the testicles is called testicular cancer and cancers starts when cells begin to grow out of control. The testicles are made up of many types of cells, each of which can develop into one or more types of cancer. It’s extremely important for a person to know what kind of cancer they have as it will then make treatment and prognosis easier to determine. There is a way for a person to reduce their risk of developing testicular cancer. What is it?

Fish and fish oil could help with lowering a man’s risk of developing testicular cancer.

Fish protects and strengthens against cancers and also protects the heart, brain and immune system.

Some research suggests that including a few servings of fish in your diet each week may reduce your risk of cancer.

One study showed that a higher intake of fish was associated with a lower risk of digestive tract cancer.

Fatty fish contain important nutrients such as vitamin D and omega-3 fatty acids that have been linked to lowering the risk of cancer.

A person should try and aim for two servings of fatty fish per week to get a hearty dose of omega-3 fatty acids and maximises the potential health benefits of these nutrients.

Best fish to eat include:

  • Haddock
  • Cod
  • Halibut
  • Salmon
  • Sardines
  • Mackerel
  • Anchovies

Warning signs of testicular cancer include:

  • A hard lump on the front or side of the testicle
  • A change in size of shape of the testicle
  • Pain or discomfort in the testicle
  • An unusual difference between the testicles
  • A heavy, dragging feeling in the scrotum

Testicular cancer is not common and the exact cause is unknown.

Testicular cancer is more common in men who are born with an undescended or partially descended testicle.

The risk is higher if there is a family member who already has the disease.

Treatment of testicular cancer could include orchidectomy, sperm banking, lymph node surgery, nerve-sparing retroperitoneal lymph node dissection or radiotherapy.

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