Blue light is damaging to our eyes – a Simple measure can remedy the situation

The French health authority warns against the excessive Use of cell phone light. On the one hand, the network is damaged skin, on the other hand, it is due to sleep problems. The Report showed that „LED lights the retina permanently damage können“. A few simple tips can help to protect the health of the eyes.

The French health authority Agence nationale de sécurité sanitaire de l’alimentation, de l’environnement et du travail (ANSES) has warned that the LED lights of the retina, permanent damage can and, through them, in addition, the natural sleep rhythm is disturbed will. The ANSES has summarized the current state of research in a more than 400-page report.

Can be LED to make lights blind?

LED lights have been referred to by the French authority as photo-toxic. In the report, it was noted that this could cause an irreversible loss of retinal cells and lead to a frequent cause of blindness can. The ANSES urged that the maximum limit for exposure to LED lights will be revised in much higher quantities of so-called blue light. LED screens for phones, Tablets and Laptops represent, apparently, a low risk of damage to the eyes. It is a different matter, however, is the intense lights of the car headlights, which can damage our eyes.

How dangerous are cell phones?

Mobile phones, Tablets, and computers are a low risk, since their luminosity is in comparison to other lighting types is very low. These backlit devices can disrupt especially if you are at night or in dark environment, our biological rhythms and our sleep patterns, warns the ANSES. Children are particularly susceptible to such interference.

How dangerous is a chronic exposure of low intensity?

In the current report, a distinction was made between acute exposure of LED light of high intensity and chronic exposure to sources of low intensity. Even if a chronic exposure is less dangerous for the eyes, it can speed up nevertheless, the ageing of the retinal tissue and thus contribute to vision problems, according to the Agency.

There are more and more LED lighting

The long-lasting, energy-efficient and cost-effective LED technology has taken in only a decade, half of the market for General lighting. Industry experts expect that the share of LED lamps is expected to increase until the end of next year even further to over 60 percent. LED light consumes only about a fifth of the electricity that a normal light bulb with comparable brightness needed.

You can read on the subject:
– Early mobile phone and Tablet use leads to learning difficulties and poor school performance
– Deteriorating assigned to the end of memory: the Negative effects of cell phone radiation

LEDs are mainly used for home and street lighting, as well as in offices and industry. They are also increasingly used in car headlights, flashlights, and even some toys. The basic technology for the production of a white light combined with a short-wavelength LED such as blue or ultra-violet with a yellow phosphor coating.

How can we protect ourselves from LED light?

You use the best case, a so-called blue light filter on your phone, Tablet or Computer and to protect yourself in the night. There are also Apps that filters the evening blue light. Other options, such as setting night mode on your device the blue light emission reduce at any time of the day. Avoid using your phone or PC in the dark because your pupils dilate and so more blue light.

Smartphones never have to use in the dark

Scientists at the University of Toledo in Ohio, said that we should not use smart phones as possible in the dark, because this „the pupils dilate and leads to even more harmful blue light into the eyes of gelangt“. Age-related macular degeneration (AMD), according to the National Eye Institute, the main cause for „Vision loss for people over 50 Jahre“. The condition occurs when „the so-called macula is an oval area near the center of the retina, which allows you to See a sharp will be damaged.“

Diseases caused by a disturbed circadian rhythm

It is, according to ANSES, announced that it exacerbates metabolic disorders such as Diabetes as well as cardiovascular diseases and some types of cancer, if the circadian rhythm of the body is disturbed. In addition, lights through tiny fluctuations in the electrical current, a kind of stroboscopic effect in some of the LED contributes to headaches, fatigue, vision, and a higher accident risk, explain the researchers in their report.

What light should be used for home use?

ANSES recommends the purchase of warm white LED lighting for use in the home, the exposure to LED sources, and limit high-blue-light concentration. The whiter or colder the light is, the greater the proportion of blue is in the spectrum. In addition, the use of LED should avoid screens before bedtime. Manufacturer of light vehicle the light should limit headlights strength. (as)