It is possible for a person to have both lupus and psoriasis, or psoriatic arthritis. The treatments and complications are different for each disorder.

In this article, we take a close look at the similarities and differences between psoriasis and lupus, including the symptoms, causes, and treatments. We also cover what happens when people have both conditions.

What is psoriasis?

Psoriasis is a chronic autoimmune disease that affects a person’s skin.

Psoriasis causes the skin cells to reproduce at an abnormally fast rate. This leads to a build-up of skin cells on some parts of the body, and red, scaly patches can appear.

The areas of the body that psoriasis most commonly affects include:

  • scalp
  • knees
  • elbows

People with psoriasis typically experience periodic flares throughout their lifetime. However, each of these flares will subside, and symptoms can remain minimal for extended periods between them.

What is lupus?

Lupus, or systemic lupus erythematosus, is an autoimmune disease that causes the immune system to attack the body’s tissues, resulting in damage.

This damage can affect almost any of the body’s systems, including:

  • skin
  • joints
  • organs

This chronic condition has no cure, but treatment can help people manage the symptoms.

The symptoms of psoriasis and lupus may take effect throughout the body, but they can be particularly apparent on the skin or in the joints. While psoriasis and psoriatic arthritis can be uncomfortable, they are generally less serious than lupus and may cause less severe symptoms.

Psoriasis symptoms will vary from person to person and according to the type of psoriasis.

Typical symptoms may include:

  • red patches of skin that flake or develop scales
  • the appearance of thick, white patches of skin called plaques on the elbows, knees, and other areas of the body
  • patches of skin that itch, crack, or bleed
  • shiny, red lesions in folds of skin
  • small red dots on the trunk, in the case of guttate psoriasis
  • in cases of psoriatic arthritis, pain and distortion in the joints, particularly in the fingers, toes, and knees

Psoriasis symptoms will be worse when a person is experiencing a flare. At other times, they may be very mild or even seem to disappear for some time.

People with lupus also tend to experience flares interspersed with periods of milder symptoms. The symptoms will vary between people and may even differ from one flare to another in the same person.

Lupus symptoms can include the following:

  • fever
  • fatigue
  • confusion and memory problems
  • a butterfly-shaped rash on the face
  • joint pain
  • body rashes, particularly after sun exposure
  • fingers or toes turning blue or white on exposure to the cold
  • chest pain
  • shortness of breath
  • headaches

People should schedule an appointment with a doctor if they experience any of the symptoms of psoriasis or lupus.

To diagnose either of these conditions, doctors will ask the individual about their symptoms, including whether or not they have flares and any known triggers. If possible, it can be beneficial to give the doctor a list of dates and symptoms to help establish a history of flare-ups.

When doctors suspect lupus, they may advise seeing a rheumatologist. This specialist may recommend additional team members to help a person manage their symptoms.

In cases of psoriasis, a person is likely to see a primary care physician or dermatologist. A person will generally only see a rheumatologist for psoriasis if their joints are stiff or swollen or they have psoriatic arthritis.

What happens when you have both psoriasis and lupus?

Rarely, a person can have both lupus and psoriasis. When this occurs, the individual is likely to receive treatment from the same medical team.

Treatment will focus on managing the symptoms of both diseases, and there may be additional triggers that people need to avoid.


Psoriasis and lupus are both autoimmune conditions that can cause skin problems. Although there are some similarities between them, these conditions have different causes and symptoms. Lupus is more severe than psoriasis.

It is rare to have both lupus and psoriasis, but it is possible.

People can manage both conditions using medications and home treatments. Some people may also benefit from counseling if their condition affects their mental health. People may be able to minimize flares by avoiding known triggers.

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