No health effects of Carbofuran in Red Chili

Scientific studies have shown how healthy is the regular consumption of chilies can be. To even a longer life, the peppers. However, some time ago, were discovered in chilli from the commercial residues of a plant protection product, which is why a more detailed investigation was carried out. Experts are now reporting that a health problem for consumers consumers are unlikely.

Health pros and cons of spicy food

Experts disagree on whether or not spicy food health is more or hurt more. Although some people get after eating spicy food health problems such as stomach problems, heartburn, abdominal pain, or diarrhea. On the other hand, scientific studies have shown, however, that hot chiles high blood can lower pressure and due to certain ingredients such as Capsaicin, the relative life expectancy increase. But how it looks when in the pods, residues of plant protection products are included? A health risk?

In red chillies residues of the plants were found protection by means of Carbofuran. Due to the small amount no health, however, there is risk for the consumer. (Image: photo of the crew/

Residues of Carbofuran found

As the Federal Institute for risk assessment (BfR) reported that it had found a land laboratory for the investigation of frozen “Red chilli without stem” on plant protection products residues of Carbofuran.

As a result, the Federal Ministry of food and agriculture (BMELV) has asked BfR to assess the analysis of health.

The result: “A health risk to the health of consumers, according to the current state of scientific knowledge is unlikely,” writes the BfR.

Further plant protection agents discovered

The information suggests that Carbofuran is a plant protection agent, which can be used against certain insects, mites, ticks and nematode worms.

According to the experts, an Exceeding of the acute reference dose (ARfD) is not expected due to the amount of Carbofuran residues, and the estimated amount of consumption of Red Chili for children and adults.

The ARfD is the amount of the substance per kilogram of body weight, the consumers, at a meal or several meals a day, with no identifiable health risk with food.

Thus, the ARfD represents a limit value for the risk assessment with respect to a short-time recording.

In the ten samples from the manufacturer (2308 grams in total) were demonstrated on the basis of further plant protection products.

However, their contribution in relation to Carbofuran is negligible, so that no health risk is to be expected. Because the number of samples is small, can not be generalized, the results for Red Chili.

No risk at normal levels of Consumption

According to the figures, residues of 0,061 milligrams (mg) were determined in frozen Red Chili without stem per kilogram (kg) of Carbofuran.

“According to the current scientific state of knowledge of a health risk to children or adults by Carbofuran residues in Red chilli in the amount of 0,061 mg per kg is unlikely,” said the BfR.

Children would have to consume a maximum Portion of four chilies in a day to reach the ARfD for Carbofuran. Typical recipes of chili-containing meals such as Chili Con Carne usually use a maximum of one Chili per Serving.

A Reaching the maximum tolerable portion size and an associated Exceedance of the ARfD for Carbofuran for children unlikely.

For adults the calculated maximum tolerable portion size of 187 g per day. Also no Exceedance of the ARfD of Carbofuran was to be expected. (ad)